Saturday, November 19, 2016

I want to come back as Dean Martin. He's my hero, his talent, his personality , his drinking....

Image result for dean martin drinking

Hey pallies, likes as we are headin' into our yearly celebration of GIVING DINO THANKS, we are over the moon to likes share with all youse Dino-holics the deeply delightful Dino-testimonial of 2017 People’s Choice Awards nominee Mr.  Blake Shelton.  Shelton  has been nominated for 4---count 'em---four music awards includin' both Favorite Male Country Artist as well as in the all-genre Favorite Male Artist category.

In doin' a little researchin' of the ol' ilovedinomartin archives we note that we first spoke of Blake's awesome adulation of our most beloved Dino in 2014 on February 27, and you can check that Dino-gram  HERE.  Shelton's most recent Dino-testimony can be watched on the youtube clip below startin' at 'bout 2:50.  The occasion for Blake's amazin' articulation of his idolizin' of our one and only Dino is durin' a Blind Audition of 16 year old Mr. Riley Elmore on the NBC program "The Voice.

Blake in energetically encouragin' young Elmore, speaks these touchin' ''n tender thoughts filled with the truest, truest, and purest  passion for our Dino...
   "Riley, if I can come back as somebody, I want to come back as Dean Martin.  He's my hero, his
   talent, his personality , his drinking....all of that is like this guy...."

Likes pallies, our Dino-hearts are filled to the brim with givin' thanks to our one and only Dino for the incredible impact that he has had on the life of superstar Mr. Blake Shelton, as well as each of us that name the name of our King of Cool.  What coulda be a better start to our 2016 season of GIVING DINO THANKS then Shelton's wonderful witness of bein' totally transformed by our most most beloved Dino?!?!?!?!

ilovedinomartin gives Mr. Blake Shelton our awesome appreciato for his awesome appreciato for our beautifully beloved Dino.  We gives thanks to Blake for his thanksgiving of our Dino!!!!!

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

The Voice 2016 Blind Audition - Riley Elmore: "The Way You Look Tonight"


  1. Blake knows what he's talkin' 'bout! DEF I NATE LY a cool cat himself. Not a country fan but I am NOW a Blake fan.

  2. It's wonderful to see one of todays major music stars look toward one of the greatest of all entertainers with such high regards. It never ceases to amaze me how many people still follow and love Mr. Dean Martin! A wonderful read DMP!

    Have a wonderful week my friend!


  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, truly our Dino-sentiments as well pallie! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, first of all sorry to hear 'bout your 'puter you find a solution sir! We too are amazin'ly awestruck by the tons of pallies who keeps comin' into the Dino-fold. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
