Saturday, November 12, 2016

Jackpot Party Casino : Dean Martin's Wild Party as your Sneak Peek!

Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that likes we ain't quite sure what to make of today's selected Dino-devotion, but likes we deeply digs the Dino-image below, so we simply can't reasonably resist sharin' this.  Today's Dino-entry comes from a pad tagged "Facebook Games Netwark" and likes we  didn't know that Facebook had such an option.  Any who the pallies at Jackpot Party Casino recently made the cool choice of the "Dean Martin's Wild Party" slot machine as their "sneak peak."

Likes perhaps all youse Dino-holics are up to date on such an offer, but when we clicked the link in the original post we found out that the pad where we landed wanted way way to much into from our Facebook page to enter their domain, so we have not shared the link here, but if you wishes it, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram to goes to the original pad to gets it.

As a swank substitute we have shared one of the youtube vids showin' a "BIG WIN" on this stunnin' slot machine dedicated to our one and only Dino.  Likes, we know if we started playin' this game we coulda never ever stop 'cause we are so so smitten by all the sites and sounds of the Dino-action...and likes what a cool cool way of grabbin' more and more pallies into the the slot and gets hooked our our most beloved Dino!

If any of youse Dino-philes knows exactly what is goin' on at the Facebook Games Network, woulda you gets us a holler?  Ain't it likes the coolest the our Dino is turnin' up in more and more places...and as we sez, we deeply digs the Dino-image below.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Facebook Games Network

Jackpot Party Casino : Dean Martin's Wild Party as your Sneak Peek!


The Community has spoken, and you chose Dean Martin's Wild Party as your Sneak Peek today! 😍


  1. Hey pal this is def I nate ly a FUN FUN game! I play a few rounds every Friday & as long as I get to hear Dino sing Go Go Go Go...I consider that a win!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes what a wonderful way to stay Dino-connected! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. This is an interesting find DMP to say the least. I am one of the few people on Earth not to use Facebook so i am not sure what this is. After watching the video and reading the above it looks like some sort of Las Vegas game, and of course what a perfect combination, Dino and slots. It does look like fun as long as you don't lose all your money, lol. Thank you DMP for a fun posting.

    Have a great week.


  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, we're with you dude....did you read Danny-o comment that he plays this particular Dino-slot machine on a weekly basis....very cool way of sharin' in the Dino-action! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
