Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Dean Martin was an incredible talent.

Hey pallies, likes his tag is Nicholas Stix, he resides in the Big Apple and he introduces himself with these words..."I am a dissident journalist, whose work has been published in dozens of daily newspapers, magazines, and journals in English, German, and Swedish, under my own name and many pseudonyms."  Mr. Stix maintains numerous blogs includin' his self-tagged blog "NICHOLAS STIX, UNCENSORED -
I DON'T BLOW DOG WHISTLES, I RING ALARM BELLS!" where we recently caught up with him" sharin' some Dino-adulation with his recent post, "See an Unforgettable Duet of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis on Live TV, Singing Harry M. Woods’ “Side by Side.”

Likes we were totally thrilled to hear Nicholas scribe what we have chosen as the title of today's Dino-devotion, " Dean Martin was an incredible talent."  What we can't find the ability to 'gree with in his statement that preceeds his acclaim of our Dino..."Each had success on his own, but Lewis had more than Martin.  To our way of thinkin' our renaissance Dino has tons more fame and fortune then Mr. Lewis, but everyone is entitled to their personal opinions.

We also were totally touched by Mr. Stix's remarkable reflections on our Dino as the Dude in "Rio Bravo," and loves that he has included two great Dino-clips in his Dino-scribin' Nicholas sez, "an unforgettable duet of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis" singin' "Side By Side" from a 1955 edition of the Colgate Comedy Hour" and a five minute clip of Dino starrin' in "Rio Bravo.

We thanks Mr. Nicholas Stix for sharin' some wonderful words and vids on our one and only Dino with his readership  which can only aid in ever more fuelin' the flames farther and wider for our King of Cool!  To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


See an Unforgettable Duet of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis on Live TV, Singing Harry M. Woods’ “Side by Side”

[Of related interest, at WEJB/NSU:

“A Celebration of the Music of Harry M. Woods.”]

Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

The video below is from Martin & Lewis’ TV show, The Colgate Comedy Hour, in 1955.

Unfortunately, they would split one year later, after making a series of 16 wildly successful movie comedies together between 1949 and 1956. For a few years, they were the world’s biggest movie stars, bigger even than John Wayne, though their popularity was split.

Each had success on his own, but Lewis had more than Martin. That’s a shame, because

Dean Martin was an incredible talent.

As a comedian, he was widely considered the greatest straight man in the business (with all due respect to George Burns and Bud Abbott). He was marvelous, baritone crooner who cut a series of hit records, mostly during the 1960s (“That’s Amore,” “Volare,” “Houston,” and his signature song, “Everyboby Loves Somebody (Sometime).” And he hosted three variety and comedy shows that lasted for 20 years that were so popular, that an observer quipped (or Martin and Andy Williams) that they were like having a license to print money, since the popularity of the shows guaranteed that the records would be hits.

If you want to know what he was capable of as a straight actor, see Howard Hawks’ classic, 1959 Western, Rio Bravo, starring John Wayne. As the heartbroken deputy, Dave the Dude, Dean Martin gave the greatest performance I’ve ever seen of a drunk. He should have won an Oscar, but he was too restrained. Then, as now, Oscar loves a ham.

However, the TV shows deteriorated into celebrity roasts, and Martin devoted too much time and energy in middle-age to a series of three popular but mindless, macho pictures, in which he played private detective Matt Helm.

Dean Martin died in 1995, at the age of 78, after living for years as a recluse. Although he often did an over-the-top drunk shtick on his popular TV shows, he was reportedly not a drunk in real life.

Jerry Lewis has long been considered a comic genius by French critics, though many of them have since died off.

Jerry Lewis is still alive at 90, having survived several massive heart attacks, along the way.

Martin & Lewis reportedly had a brief reunion in 1976.

For me, the story of Martin & Lewis is a tale of modern Hollywood. Great talent may translate into great wealth, but not necessarily into great works.

“Side by Side”

Dean Martin in Rio Bravo

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