Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Dean Martin: He had it all – the looks, the charm, the sophistication

Hey pallies, likes hot on the heels of yesterday's delightful Dino-thankin' Dino-gram  from the Italiano blog "Men's Fashion, Women's Fashion" where nouveau hipster scriber Mr. Mattia Tarantini lovin'ly offered his abundant amore of our Dino in his wonderful writin's tagged "Style icons: Dean Martin, the king of cool," we simply had to place the words Dean Martin and Style Icon into the ol' google blog search engine and, likes of course, we came up with some fantastic features that we had already shared here at ilovedinomartin, but we also delightfully descovered a powerfully potent post that we had not yet shared with all youse Dino-philes.

So, likes today we takes you to the blog "POLYVORE" where a lady who tags herself "angelflair" shares a most Dino-honorin' post tagged "STYLE ICON: DEAN MARTIN."  In speakin' 'bout herself Miss "angelflair" states, "I am fashion designer & Illustrator. Anything that involves creating will catch my attention!"  And, indeed our most beloved Dino has coolly caught her attentionado and she shares her authentic appreciato for our main man.  Likes we mucho digs these wondrously wise words from her pen...."He had it all – the looks, the charm, the sophistication – many traits that seem to be falling out of favour with the modern man. A man that always made people smile, Dean Martin set a standard for how a man should carry himself."

We are totally totally thrilled that our King of Cool has caught Miss "angelflair's" attention and we sez our thanks to her and all the pallies at "POLYVORE" for spreadin' such deep Dino-love at their perfect pad.  Likes to checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

As we close our our Season of GIVING DINO THANKS, we speaks our deepest of deep devotion to our one and only Dino for all that he has meant, all that he does mean, and all that he will ever mean to all us solidly sold-out to Dino devotees.  Thanks you Dino for everythin'!!!!!  As, you crooned your signature croon, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime," know that we will always always loves you!!!!!

We remain,

Always, always Dino-thankful,

Dino Martin Peters

DEan Martin at DuckDuckGo



Dean Martin was one of the most fashionable men in Hollywood. Back when everyone dressed up for every occasion, he managed to be unique, yet classic – his unique red handkerchief with his tuxedo, for example. He exemplified class, style and sophistication no longer appreciated today.

Born Dino Paul Crocetti, Dean Martin is remembered as the quintessential man’s man – the “King of Cool” and was one of the most successful entertainers of the 20th century.

Martin’s big break came when he teamed up with legendary comedian Jerry Lewis to create Martin & Lewis. The duo starred in several hit films together before breaking up in 1956. He then went on to a solo career (TV, film, music) and recorded such hits as Everybody Loves Somebody, That’s Amore and the cult favourite, Mambo Italiano. He also starred in several films, including the original Ocean’s 11 which took place in a vastly different Las Vegas than we know today.

Although he enjoyed much success and had a variety of roles, Martin was not a workaholic. In fact, during his popular variety program The Dean Martin Show, he only worked 2 hours a week – when the show was being aired. He rarely rehearsed…he preferred the spontaneity. If there was a mistake, they wouldn’t re-shoot, it was kept in.

He had it all – the looks, the charm, the sophistication – many traits that seem to be falling out of favour with the modern man. A man that always made people smile, Dean Martin set a standard for how a man should carry himself.


  1. Wonderful article Brother DMP! Dino had it all, plus a couple of this 'n that's, made him unique, even in the time of style 'n swank, Baby...

    Dino was not a workaholic, however he wasn't one to slack. Even as entertainers go, he was a busy busy man, Baby....

  2. Hey pallie, likes Brother Eddie-o, just readin' your potently powerful patter makes us yearn all the more to return to the days when Ed's Epistle was the swank staple read here at ilovedinomartin. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
