Thursday, November 10, 2016

At War With The Army Showin' on Veteran's Day '16 in Troy, Ohio.

Hey pallies, likes is this a cool idea or is this a cool idea?!?!?!?!  Our pallies over at google 'lerts sent us a Dino-'lert to goes to the online presence of the "Sidney Daily News," which we initially thought was a newspaper of Sidney, Australia, but in fact is the newspaper of Sidney, Ohio!  Anyway pallies, likes the scribed report below tells us that in honor of Veteran's Day 2016, the pallies at the Troy-Hayner Cultural Center in Troy, Ohio will be havin' a free showin' of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis' '50 flick "At War With The Army."

Likes, this is the first time that we ever remember the name of our Dino bein' lifted up in hugely honorin' Veteran's Day and likes we thinks it is the coolest idea 'round.  We encourage all Dino-holics in the Troy area to makes their way  to Hayner Cultural Center for this Dino-event.  And, likes for all us pallies who won't be able to get there, at the end of this Dino-gram is a youtube vid of the entire movie for all our Dino-viewin' pleasure.

We salute the pallies at the Troy-Hayner Cultural Center for their desire to honor the Veterans in their area and for havin' the terrific taste to use this Martin and Lewis epic to do so.  We also sez our thanks to the pallies at the "Sidney Daily News" for gettin' this information out on the ol' world wide web.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


Hayner to show comedy film

TROY — The Troy-Hayner Cultural Center, 301 W. Main St., Troy, will commemorate Veterans Day, Nov. 11, by screening the movie, “At War with the Army.”

The 7:30 presentation is for people 13 and older. Admission is free and includes an introduction to the film, cafe-style seating, popcorn and soft drinks.

The 1950 film was Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis’s first starring feature together. The story follows two friends, Pvt. Alvin Corwin (Jerry Lewis) and Sgt. Vic Puccinelli (Dean Martin), as they go from one mishap to another at a World War II Army training camp. The film was directed by Hal Walker and also stars Polly Bergen.


  1. Man o man, pals! What a COOL COOL way of honorin' are most courageous vets! Thinks it would be fun for all us Dino-holics to share this FUN FUN flik with a pal of two on this special day. Thanks for postin' DMP!

  2. Hey pallie, likes that a great idear Danny-o. Perhaps many of us Dino-devotees will be able to arrange such a Dino-conclave by next Veterans' Day. What a great mix of devotion to our Veterans while also showin' delight in Dino! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, indeed ma'am....perhaps Dino-holics all over the place might try and make this an annual tradition in each of our communities. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
