Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I've always loved Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes let's begin today with a quire for youse Dino-holics.  Likes w d'ya think woulda motivate us to share yet 'nother Dino-gram accentin' our most beloved Dino's numero uno croon of a tune, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime?  Likes thinks 'bout that for a few pallies...what woulda youse say?

Well, we ain't gonna wait 'til youse scribes us yours thoughts pallies, but we woulda loves to hear 'em, likes as our Dino always sez, "Keeps those cards and letters comin' folks...we just loves to read 'em."
Today we indeed do share a blog post accentin' our main man's man song...the song that our mighty powerful  Dino used to knock the Beatles off the top of the charts.

And, likes our primary reason for bringin' it your way.....'cause the swank scriber of the post, a dude tagged "Cartman72" unabashedly proclaimed his awesome adulation of our most beloved Dino by sayin' "I've always loved Dean Martin"...and we can never ever share 'nough deeper then deep devotion to our Dino.  Likes, and besides that, "Cartman72" hails from the region of Tuscany in Italy, Florence to be exact.  Faithful readers of ilovedinomartin know that we just loves! loves! loves! to share international acclaim for our Dino from all over the globe, and likes when it comes from our Dino's homeland, likes what coulda be better then that?!?!?!?!

 So, pallies likes below is "Cartman72"'s huge homage to our King of Cool a la "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime.   Enjoys "Carman72"'s  reverent reflections pallies and spend some moments marvelin' at our Dino's increasin' intense international acclaim.  We thanks "Cartman72" for spreadin' his powerful passion for our Dino at his blog, "Liberto," which translates into English as "Free."
To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


" Those fools of Roll ...

Everybody Loves Dean

Post No. 3323 published on 20 October 2016 by Cartman72

Tags: 1947 , 1964 , songs , Dean Martin , Dream with Dean , Newsstand Flower , Everybody loves somebody , Fiorello , Frank Sinatra , Michael Buble , music , sometimes , text , video

Foto di Cartman72

In recent weeks I imbattutto several times ... Dean Martin. Just a few days ago I published a song by Elio heard her sing in the transmission of Roberto Bolle. Last night however I saw last Friday's episode of Flower Kiosk, perhaps the best program aired on TV during this time. Fiorello is really too good and knows how to surround himself with collaborators as good as his new shoulder Stefano Meloccaro Sky Sports reporter 24. Friday the guest was Michael Buble which is really great. He told us that as a child his myth was Dean Martin and the first song that he sang was "Everybody loves somebody (sometimes)" a 1947 song that Dean and others, including Frank Sinatra, have recorded since 1964. Dean l 'included in his album "Dream with Dean" and I today ... I include it in the blog. I've always loved Dean Martin and I remember that as a child I loved his films co ìn Jerry Lewis and rediscover it makes me very happy. Good listening and good Thursday!
Everybody loves somebody (sometimes) (Dean Martin)
Everybody loves somebody sometime
Everybody falls in love somehow
Something in your kiss just Told me
That sometime is now

Everybody finds somebody someplace
There's no telling whre love may Appear
Something in my heart keeps saying
My someplace is here

If I had it in my power
I ' d arrange for every girl to have your charms
Then every minute, every hour
Everybody would find what I found in your arms

Everybody loves somebody sometime
And though my dreams were overdue
Your love made it all worth waiting
for someone like you

If I had it in my power
I'd arrange for every girl to have your charms
Then every minute, every hour
Everybody would find what I found in your arms

Everybody loves somebody sometime
And though my dreams were overdue
Your love made it all worth waiting
for someone like you

« Quegli sciocchi dei Roll...
Tutti amano Dean
Post n°3323 pubblicato il 20 Ottobre 2016 da Cartman72

Tag: 1947, 1964, canzoni, Dean Martin, Dream with Dean, Edicola Fiore, Everybody loves somebody, Fiorello, Frank Sinatra, Michael Bublè, musica, sometimes, testi, video

In queste ultime settimane mi sono imbattutto più volte in... Dean Martin. Solo pochi giorni fa ho pubblicato una sua canzone sentita cantare da Elio nella trasmissione di Roberto Bolle. Ieri sera invece ho visto la puntata di venerdì scorso di Edicola Fiore, forse il miglior programma in onda in questo periodo in TV. Fiorello è davvero troppo bravo e sa circondarsi di collaboratori altrettanto bravi come la sua nuova spalla Stefano Meloccaro giornalista di Sky Sport 24. Venerdì l'ospite era Michael Bublè che è davvero un grande. Raccontava che da piccolo il suo mito era Dean Martin e la prima canzone che ha cantato è stata "Everybody loves somebody (sometimes)" un brano del 1947 che Dean e altri, tra cui Frank Sinatra, hanno inciso a partire dal 1964. Dean l'ha inclusa nel suo album "Dream with Dean" e oggi io... la includo nel blog. A me Dean Martin è sempre piaciuto e ricordo che da bambino adoravo i suoi film co ìn Jerry Lewis e riscoprirlo mi fa molto piacere. Buon ascolto e buon giovedì!

Everybody loves somebody (sometimes) (Dean Martin)

Everybody loves somebody sometime
Everybody falls in love somehow
Something in your kiss just told me
That sometime is now

Everybody finds somebody someplace
There's no telling whre love may appear
Something in my heart keeps saying
My someplace is here

If I had it in my power
I'd arrange for every girl to have your charms
Then every minute, every hour
Everybody would find what I found in your arms

Everybody loves somebody sometime
And though my dreams were overdue
Your love made it all worth waiting
For someone like you

If I had it in my power
I'd arrange for every girl to have your charms
Then every minute, every hour
Everybody would find what I found in your arms

Everybody loves somebody sometime
And though my dreams were overdue
Your love made it all worth waiting
For someone like you

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