Sunday, October 16, 2016

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes"

Hey there, Ol' Pals o' mine!
What's shakin'?
What's new & excitin'?
Not much? 
 Well, hold on to your hats, pals...'cause youse is 'bout to flip your wigs! Haha!!

  Man o I gots us a CRAZY vid for today's Serenade!
 It's DEF I NATE LY a classic...DEF I NATE LY a golden oldie...but O mama mia...IT IS FREAKY!!! Hahaha!

Well, IS Halloween season, after all!

Time for CREEPY & FREAKY thins'!

"Don't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes" is all 'bout the moon...the stars...& the night.
GREAT GREAT stuff for October!
Mix it in with a REALLY WEIRD vid...& BAM! A great SPOOKY Dino-serenade! 

Now, pals...I didn't want to give youse the CREEPS... but...after watchin' a few times...I decided that it was actually pretty funny & was just 'nother example of how Dean is STILL poppin' up EVERYWHERE...even in this "tech-savvy" world we lives in today! 
So pals, let's get a little CREEPY & soak in this COOL COOL time of year!
Check this one out, mi amici! Haha!!

Don't let the stars get in your eyes
Don't let the moon break your heart
The love blooms at night in the daylight it dies
Don't let the stars get in your eyes
Oh keep your heart for me for someday I'll return and you know you're the only one I'll ever love

Too many nights
Too many stars
Too many moons to change your mind
If I'm gone too long don't forget where you belong
When the stars come out remember you are mine

Don't let the stars get in your eyes
Don't let the moon break your heart
The love blooms at night in the daylight it dies
Don't let the stars get in your eyes
Oh keep your heart for me for someday I'll return and you know you're the only one I'll ever love

Too many miles
Too many days
Too many nights to be alone
Ah please keep your heart while we are apart
Don't you linger in the moonlight when I'm gone

Don't let the stars get in your eyes
Don't let the moon break your heart
The love blooms at night in the daylight it dies
Don't let the stars get in your eyes
Oh keep your heart for me for someday I'll return and you know you're the only one I'll ever love
You're the only one I'll ever love


  1. With halloween only a couple of more weeks away it would seem this video is perfect. A classic Dean Martin song with a unusual looking video for sure. As i said, it's perfect. lol. Thank you Danny G. for a great start to the week!

    Have a great week.


  2. Perfect tune and video for this full-moon weekend!

  3. Haha! Glad youse guys weren't TOO freaked out by our bugged-out Dino! I guess Tricks & Treats are to be expected this month! See ya next week, mi amici!
