Sunday, October 02, 2016

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Blue Moon"

Welcome back, pallies!
Man o man... I gots to admit...I'm REALLY a nut for this whole spooky season!
Love the decorations, the scary movies, the ghosts & name it! If it's Halloweeny...I'm diggin' it!

Now, I was havin' a bit of a problem comin' up with the perfecto tune for this week's Serenade, pals.
I wanted to incorporate the spooky, cooky, eerie & scary feel with our numero uno swoonin' crooner!
WOW...that was a mouthful! Haha!!

 Anyways, pals...I musta summoned the ghost of Dean himself...cuz all of a sudden... it hit me!
 "Blue Moon"!
 I just looked out my window last night & there it was!
The BRIGHTEST full moon I thinks I ever saw!!!
Now, I don't know 'bout youse...But I can't thinks of ANYTHIN' that gives me more of a thrill... & a FUN FUN chill... than a BIG...BRIGHT... FULL moon on a COOL COOL October night! Haha!!
I LOVES it, pallies! 
 OK, my friends...lets get into this creepy & cool season!
Time to have some SCARY fun times with our ghostly pal, Dean!
BTW, mi amici...I had NO choice but to play the live vid, also!
 Dean KILLS me when he messes up the lyric half way through! Youse'll see what I mean.  

Beware the moon... you Dino-holics! Hahaha!!!

Blue moon, you saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart without a love of my own
Blue moon, you knew just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for someone I really could care for

And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms could ever hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
When I looked to the moon it turned to gold

Blue moon, now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart without a love of my own

And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
And when I looked the moon had turned to gold

Blue moon, now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart without a love of my own
Without a love of my own without a love of my own


  1. Danny, boy...WOW!!! One of of my favorite songs of all time. First time I've heard Dean do it. Our pallie just kills it! It's now on repeat for the day. Thanks, my friend...
    George the Greek

  2. Can you believe that it is October already!? The autumn weather is starting to creep in now in New England, not so much here in Florida. lol. Anyways it is a wonderful time of the year and as always Danny G. you really picked the perfect song. No one sings Blue Moon better then Dean of course and it is always a treat to listen too! Thank you once again my friend for a wonderful sounding Sunday.

    Have a wonderful week.


  3. Hey, my Dino-diggin' bros! SO SO glad youse guys are enjoyin' the creepy croonins'! Haha!! See youse next week!
