Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Hey pallies, likes today we have an excellent example of the wonderful way that one Dino-devotee can reach out to the rest of us Dino-philes by excellently exhibitin' what is known 'round these parts as "showin' of true Dino-palliedom.   Our most devoted to Dino pallie, Miss AOW, in patter shared on our postin' of "On This Day In Dino-history:  September 16, 1965, found right  HERE graciously put us on to a youtube vid of the entire first episode of The Dino-show that aired on the peacock channel on Thursday night, September 16, 1965.

While in our postin' in recent years we have been able only to share smaller portions of that fantastic first stunnin' show, below you will be able to feast on that episode in total pallies!  Now, likes what coulda be better then that?!?!?!?!  It was just put up on September 18 and has already garnered over 2000 hits and we have not guarantees how long it will be up, so enjoys it Dino-holics everywhere whiles you can!

ilovedinomartin specially salutes our own Miss Always On Watch for findin' this giant of a gem of Dino-delight and sharin' the news with all us pallies gathered 'round our ilovedinomartin waterin' hole.  Thanks Miss AOW and here's hopin' that your health returns in full measure.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


  1. GREAT find, Ms. AOW!!! Cants' wait to watch!!! Thanks for sharin'!

  2. A wonderful find and posting, how great is it to see the very fist episode of The Dean Martin Show, the start of the greatest of comedy shows on television! Thank you DMP for posting this so everyone may get a chance to watch!

    Have a great week.


  3. Hey pallie, likes how kind of you Scotty-o to awesomely acknowledgin' our simply efforts in bringin' more and more Dino-treasure to all his deeply devoted pallies who gather 'round the ol' ilovedinomartin waterin' hole. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin', keeps diggin' our most most beloved Dino!

  4. Isn't this fantastic? Thanks for posting .this gem -- and for the hat tip.

    I felt like dancing when I found it his video!

    My health is terrible right now. Excruciating pain! But watching these Dino classics helps me to forget my troubles.

    Off I go to the pain specialist on Monday to try to get some relief.

  5. Miss AOW, you are, as always most welcome ma'am. Hope things with your health will brighten up soon for you...and what a blessin' our Dino is in such times of troubles! Stay Dino-centered and Dino-focused!
