Friday, September 30, 2016

.....starring Dean Martin in a role perfect for his boozing partyboy persona.....

Hey pallies, likes these days when we wanna feed our Dino as Matt Helm cravin's  for Dino-helmer devotion, we simply transports ourselves to the google image search engine and types in Dean Martin and Matt Helm and a veritable feast of Dino-helmer images comes up just right for the pickin'.  Now, while quite a number of Dino-images are from sources we have picked clean, we continue to eagerly enjoys the hunt for yet uncovered Dino-helmer treasures.

Likes today and tomorrow we are perfectly pumped to swankly share incredibly intriguin' international Dino-as-Matt-Helm superb scribin's from the new-to-ilovedinomartin blog, "PULP International."   As the tag of this blog simply states, it's awesome accent is on veritable vintage pulp from 'round the globe.  What we first located here pallies is irresistible images and potent poses from
"a Japanese program book for The Silencers," that is Helmer numero uno.

We greatly greatly grooves on title of this program book, "SILENT BUT DEADLY.  Dean Martin gives James Bond a spin---of the bottle."  A completely coolest of cool powerful play on words to our Dino-way of thinkin' pallies!    The prose is in Japanese, which we haven't yet found a way to translate, but the potent poses need no translation at all dudes as they have created a marvelous montage of ever evocative  enticin' images from "The Silencers" that surely brought throngs of Japanese Dino-holics into the movie theaters to digs our Dino as hipster spyster Matt Helm.

Likes all youse Dino-philes knows our powerful passion for all thin's Helm and international adulation of our one and only Dino, so this post offers a double powerfully perfect punch of Dino-devotion for Dino-sure.  We thanks the pallies at "PULP International" for accentin' our great great man in this great great way and showin' us just how much the Japanese deeply deeply digs our Dino.
Stay tuned for part duo as we share more Japanese pulp on Helmer duo, "Murder's Row."  To checks this out in it's original site, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Dean Martin gives James Bond a spin—of the bottle.
Above, a Japanese program book for The Silencers, first film in the Matt Helm series about a constantly drinking government agent, starring Dean Martin in a role perfect for his boozing partyboy persona, along with Stella Stevens, Daliah Lavi, Nancy Kovack, and Cyd Charisse. That's Larri Thomas in a towering up-do on the front cover. She's in the film for probably ninety seconds, sadly. Whether you enjoy the rest of it will depend on whether you find the smarmy Martin charming—and can tolerate his cheeseball crooning. The Silencers premiered in the U.S. in February 1966 and hit Japan today in 1966. 


  1. Talk about the perfect actor for the perfect role as Matt Helm, it was seem to me Dean was made for the role as audiences agreed since the movie was a big hit. This is a great find DMP and post, it is always interesting to see the take on something from a different culture's standpoint.

    Have a nice weekend.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, tremendous thoughts from a deeply devoted Dino-holic...we specially appreciates this thought dude...." it is always interesting to see the take on something from a different culture's standpoint." Lotza fun to see how much the Japanese pallies were diggin' our Dino as swingin' spyster Matt Helm! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
