Monday, September 12, 2016

“I fell in love with him the day we met,” Lewis said.

Jerry Lewis & Dean Martin Reunion - 1976 MDA Telethon

Hey pallies, likes we are tremedously thrilled to be able to share yet 'nother post awesomely accentin' the remarkable relationship between our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis.  Likes as youse Dino-philes know Martin and Lewis have been muchly in the news of late 'cause of this bein' the 40th anniversary of the reunion of our Dino and Mr. Lewis on the '76 MDA Telethon after 20 years of bein' separated.

Today we share with you a small portion of a recent interview conducted with Mr. Lewis by the folks at CBS as his first staring  film role in 20 years approaches release.  A portion of the interview, of course, includes Mr. Lewis speakin' so so lovin'ly of his relationship with our most beloved Dino.
As you will experience below as you read Mr. Lewis' touchin' 'n tender thoughts, the relationship between these two men was, as Mr. Lewis has shared in the title of his book "Dean And Me: A Love Story."

We thank Miss Tracy Smith and all the folks at CBS for this heartwarmin' prose on Mr. Lewis's deepest of deep devotion to our Dino.  If you clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram you will be able to read the prose in it's entirety, as well as watch a video of the interview between Mr. Lewis and Miss Smith.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Jerry Lewis returns

Tracy Smith.

Lewis made more than five dozen sight-gag-heavy films -- by himself, and as half of what was once the most popular comedy team on the planet: Martin and Lewis.
“I fell in love with him the day we met,” Lewis said.

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis in “Sailor Beware” (1952).

 Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin first teamed up in post-war New York, and within weeks, they were selling out shows with their own brand of sex appeal and slapstick.
“For you and Dean, it almost seemed like anarchy,” Smith said. “Is that the right way to describe it?”
“Yeah. Pretty good. That’s as good an explanation as I’ve ever heard. “I loved him so much. And I know how much he loved me.  Jesus Christ, I’m telling you stuff I haven’t talked about in 60 years! 
“We’re both six feet tall. I took his shoes one day and put lifts on them so that he would be a little taller than me.”
“Because you thought that was better for the bit if you looked younger?”
“Oh, yeah. You can’t do that unless you’re feelin’ it,” he laughed.
But after a nonstop decade together, they weren’t feeling it any more. The two parted ways in 1956, and wouldn’t even speak to each other for nearly 20 years.
“Did you still love each other when you split up?” Smith asked.
“Oh, sure. Oh, yeah,” Lewis said, adding, “It was time for us both.”
Martin, of course, hit new heights on his own ... and Lewis became a top box-office draw.

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