Wednesday, August 03, 2016

"Hearing Dean's voice is like listening to pure silk....."

Hey pallies, likes today we begin a four part series of posts from yet 'nother remarkable record al-b-um blog pad.  Seems likes every time we turn 'round we discover yet 'nother blogger sharin' the potent pleasure of long play recordin's, and likes, of course, no one's vinyl recordin's are more potently pleasant then our one and only Dino!

So, likes today we takes you to the 'net pad  "Vox Pop Music Album Guides - A blog to promote the definitive , most comprehensive, guide to popular music" where a unnamed blogger who tags himself "Mr Right Wing" powerfully pontificates on all thin's vinyl.  The only blogger detail we were able to discern is that the dude is a Brit that hails from Surrey, United Kingdom.

Likes we will be sharin' his quartet of Dino-devotion in the order in which they were posted, today beginnin' with a groovy gander at one of our most beloved Dino's Capitol al-b-ums, "This Time I'm Swingin'!   Mr. Right Wing begins by listenin' all the cool croons on this Dino-disc and then sharin' a few remarkable reflections from what we are guessin' are other devotee's touchin' 'n tender thoughts.
Our fav thought is the one that we coolly chose to tag this Dino-gram.... "Hearing Dean's voice is like listening to pure silk....."  Likes, we couldn't 'gree more pallies!

We sez our thanks you very much to Mr Right Wing for awesomely accentin' our most beloved Dino in this wonderous way, and we look forward to followin' up with a trio of more Dino-delight in the days ahead.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


This Time I’m Swingin’! – DEAN MARTIN*****

I Can’t Believe That You’re In Love With Me/True Love/You’re Nobody ‘Til Somebody Loves You/On The Street Where You Live/Imagination/Until The Real Thing Comes Along/Please Don’t Talk About Me When I’m Gone/I’ve Grown Accustomed To Her Face/Someday/Mean To Me/Heaven Can Wait/Just In Time

For This Time I’m Swingin’! founder member of the rat pack Dean Martin teams up with arranger and orchestra leader Nelson Riddle to produce of one of his strongest albums. (UK:18)

“This time Dean really is swingin'. This is one of his best albums. I often wish he had made more albums with Mr. Riddle. The arrangements are smart and classy, and Dean's vocals couldn't get smoother.”

“Dean Martin demonstrates his relaxed mastery of the romantic croon on this early 1960s release. Accompanied by an orchestra arranged by Nelson Riddle, he cruises effortlessly through a hand-picked selection of show tunes and standards.”

“This Time I'm Swingin'! is an outstanding album of great tunes and hits from the singularly talented Dean Martin. Hearing Dean's voice is like listening to pure silk; and he doesn't disappoint on this album.”

“Dean Martin was one of the greatest male vocalists who ever lived; and this album proves it very well. This is a must-have for Dino's fans; and people who enjoy classic pop vocals will like it too.”

“It was only a matter of time before Dean Martin would collaborate with arranger Nelson Riddle. This Time I'm Swingin'! finds Dino in high spirits, backed by Riddle's solid orchestration and stronger than usual material. The result is one of Martin's all-time best albums.”

“This is one of the best Dean albums I have. Nelson Riddle helped on this one and it turned out great. None of those odd background vocals on here, just pure Dean and the music is superb. A must for anyone wanting a true Dino sound."

“This Time I'm Swingin'! is Dean Martin at his very absolute best. The songs fit the title with perfection, Dean is swingin', backed and masterfully orchestrated by the legendary Nelson Riddle. Dean sings every one confidently and naturally. An unforgettable recording from the all time great crooner.”

Posted by Mr Right Wing at 09:20


  1. Great reviews for a great great al b um!

  2. A wonderful read as always DMP. There was no one better then Dean, that is a fact.

    Have a great week.

