Sunday, August 28, 2016

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Little Green Apples"

Hey pals.
Very somber feelins' this week, mi amici.
The passin' of our pallies VERY special lady, Jeanne, has got me a wee bit blue
. 'Specially with Ricci's death just weeks ago.
Got me lookin' at old pics of the Martin family online...& it's REALLY heartbreakin'.
 Seein' them so young & happy as they once were...Man!
 Nothin' makes me sadder...than families disintegratin' over the years, my friends.
Get's me dwellin' on my own family & friends that have left this world.
 Oh well, pals...such is life.
Losin' loved ones just comes with the territory.

So...all that bein' said...I wanted a VERY special tune & vid for this week's Serenade.
A combo that will capture all the love & happiness that Dean & Jeanne & their family shared.

Now pallies...I can't take ANY credit for this one. I simply mentioned what I was thinkin' to a very close friend...a TRUE Dino-disciple...& the PER FEC TO jam was exclaimed. "Little Green Apples".
My friend knew EXACTLY what I meant.
 This song & vid just SO SO completely capture the love...compassion...& TRUE heart-felt sentiment between Dean & his Jeanne.
You can see it in their eyes, my friends.
She TRULY loved her guy.
The beauty in me...was how she just let Dino be Dino.
She accepted him for who & how he a REAL woman.
I'm sure this wasn't always easy, pals.
Dean led a VERY unique life. One that needs a VERY unique lady to understand.

So, mi amici...this one's goin' out to Jeanne.
A great gal.
Dean's been waitin' a long time for his lady.
Let's be happy for their reunion! Their a complete family once again, pallies.

Enjoy the beautiful tune & the great great vid!
Be warned,'s a REAL tearjerker.

And I wake up in the morning
With my hair down in my eyes and she says hi
And I stumble to the breakfast table
While the kids are gonna to school goodbye
She reaches out and takes my hand
And squeezes it and says how you feeling hon
And I look across at smiling lips
That warm my heart and see my morning sun

And if that's not lovin' me then all I've got to say
God didn't make little green apples
And it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime
There's no such thing as Doctor Suess
Disneyland or Mother Goose is no nursery rhyme
God didn't make little green apples
And it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime
And when myself is feelin' low
I think about her face aglow and ease my mind

Sometimes I call her up at home knowing she's busy
And ask if she could get away and meet me and grab a bite to eat
Then she drops what she's doin' and hurries down to meet me and I'm always late
But she sits waitin' patiently
And smiles when she first sees me cause she's made that way

And if that ain't lovin' me then all I've got to say
God didn't make little green apples
It don't snow in Minneapolis when the winter comes
There's no such think as make believe
Puppy dogs and autumn leaves and BB guns
God didn't make little green apples
And it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime
When myself is feelin' low
I think about her face aglow and ease my mind
To ease my mind to ease my mind


  1. There has been no question that it was been a sad few weeks with regards to the recent passing of Jeanne and Ricci. But one can take to heart the wonderful lives they both lived and it has been great to see the outpouring of love and tributes to these two members of Deans family. A esp wonderful song this week Danny G., thank you for your continued hard work.

    Have a nice week.


    1. Couldn't have said it any better myself, pallie. Thank you & have a cool cool week!
