Sunday, August 14, 2016

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "In A Little Spanish Town"

Welcome back, mi amici!
Man...Is it me...or is Summer  just FLYIN' by?! Coulda' sworn it was June just we is half way though August!
What gives?!
Well, pallies...guess we better make the most of these HOT & STEAMY heatwavin' days.
Let's REALLY soak in as MUCH sunny weather & as MUCH sunny Dino-jams as possible!
Let's turn the heat WAY up for today's Serenade, pals!

I have a HOT HOT tune that's SURE to keep thins' sizzlin'! Maybe even stretch Summer out a wee bit longer! Ha!
As a matter o fact, my friends...this ones goin' out to a VERY special lady, here at!
Our very own, Ms.AOW!
She's a GREAT GREAT friend to us here at our humble little blog & would probably dig a little walk down memory lane.

 Now, correct me if I'm mistakin', but...I believe it was Ms.AOW that shared how much she LOVED Dean's COOL COOL jam, "In A Little Spanish Town" off his TOTALLY SWINGIN' al b um, "Dino Latino"!
I seem to 'member her tellin' how she danced 'round her room...playin' this Dino-tune...ova' & ova'! Haha!!
Man o man, Ms. AOW...the power of our pallie, Dean,  can REALLY get thins' shakin'! Ha! 
Let's ALL get this one spinnin'...extra loud, pals...& see if Dino gets us groovin' 'round our rooms! Hahaha!!!
 Maybe,at least, cheer us up as sunny days grow shorter.
 I ALWAYS say...there's no better healin' than the power of Dino!
His music...his movies...his zest for livin' & even his ability to take thins' not too seriously.

Reminds me that no matter WHAT hand life deals us...we can only do our best...& eventually... we WILL overcome!
Summers will come & go & come again...but we ALWAYS have our number one pal to help us through!
This ones for you, Ms.AOW...enjoy!

In a little Spanish town it was on a night like this
Stars were peek-a-booing down
It was on a night like this
I whispered be true to me and she sighed si si si
Man the skies have turned to gray because we're far apart
Many moons have passed away and still she's in my heart
We made a promise and sealed it with a kiss
Ah, in a little Spanish town it was on a night like this

I whispered be true to me and she sighed oh si si
Man the skies have turned to gray because we're far apart
Many moons have passed away and still she's in my heart
We made a promise and sealed it with a kiss
In a little Spanish town it was on a night like this
In a little Spanish town it was on a night like this
In a little Spanish town it was on a night like this


  1. Danny G,
    Your recognition of how much i love this particular Dino album is absolutely correct!

    "In a Little SpanishnTown" is a song to get me movin' -- at least s little bit only 48 hours post-op. And the tune never fails to make me smile.

    Thanks for dedicating this Dino to me.

  2. It really is hard to believe that summer is flying by but it has been a great one so far. And it won't be very long before everyone is complaining that it is too cold. A great song Danny G., fun and upbeat and just perfect for those hot and humid days of summer.

    Have a nice week.


  3. If ANYONE can bring out a smile...even in the not so easy's DEF I NATE LY our pal, Dino! Glad you enjoyed, Ms. AOW!
    Scotty, my pal...youse is SOOOO right! It's always either too damn hot or it's too damn cold, with some people. Haha!! Not us though! Right, pallie?! Ha! Have a GREAT week!
