Monday, July 11, 2016

Portrait Of A Swinger: Dean and Cathy In Shades

Hey pallies, likes blow us away dudes...blow us away.  Likes that's what our most beloved Dino is doin' time after time as we continue our 'net researchin' for more and more potently powerful poses the '70's Dino.  Likes recently we typed the words Dean Martin and Cathy Hawn into the google image search and you can see the coolest of cool candid of our Dino and Miss Hawn, both wearin' shades and lookin' oh oh so stunnin'ly stylish and mucho mucho mod.

Likes we would particularly see this incredible image in color 'cause we woulda loves to see the vivid vibrant colors of our Dino's and Miss Cathy's awesome attire.  We woulda 'specially digs seein the colors of our Dino's tie and Miss Hawn's frock.  However, this black and white photo does amazin'ly accent the shades that this most lovin' pair are wearin'.

So once 'gain ilovedinomartin shares 'nother perfect pix of the '70's swingin' Dino who was livin' the coolest of cool life as his personal persona came cooler and coolerly congruent with his professional persona.  To checks this  intriguin' image out where we found it, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

We remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

1 comment:

  1. Cool man, cool! Need I say more?! Ha! Great pic again!
