Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Never, in the entire history of planet earth has there ever existed a mortal being who exhibited this degree of cool.

Hey pallies, oh how we deeply digs returnin' to Dino-territory shared previously at ilovedinomartin and fantasticly findin' more 'n more amazin'ly awesome adulation of our Dino to swankly share with all youse devoted  Dino-cravin' pallies.  Case in point woulda be what we consider to be a beautiful blog of great bounty tagged "Retrospace" where a blogger who tags himself "Gilligan" hangs his hat.

As of last count this plentiful pad accentin' the 60's, 70's, and 80's has had  14,316,617 visits,  likes tellin' youse how extemely popular it is, and likes for goodly  good reasons.   "Gilligan" shares the best from the past, and there is no better best then our most beloved Dino, In the past we have offered a quartet of powerful posts focusin' on our main man that can be located  HERE (Review of the Silencers),  HERE (Part I Review Of The Ambushers),  HERE (Part II Review Of The Ambushers), and   HERE ( Potent Pix Of Our Dino with Some Swingin' Stews).

Likes recently when we were doin' our Dino-homework we came 'cross two hugely honorin' Dino-posts from Gil which we are sharin' today and hopefully on the morrow.  Today's Dino-delight comes from the Retrospace post "10 Favorite Film Characters Meme" that you can read by clickin' on the tag of this here Dino-message.  As the post suggest Gilligan shares his 10 fav of fav big screen flick characters and we were powerfully pleased to note that our awesomely amazin' Dino as swingin' spyster Matt Helm made the grade in Gil's book.

Image result for ilovedinomartin murder's row

Below is the pix that Gil shared with his short but  stunnin' wonderfully wise words of the most awesome of awesome adulation for our King of Cool.  We gotta 'fess that that we absolutely positively stand in awe pallies of Gilligan's  hugely honorin' Dino-thoughts.... as he stands in awe of our one and only Dino.

Likes we can't soak these wise words of purely potent poetry in 'nough.....makin' ever prouder of our work in the cause of our Dino.  To be sure dudes, this Gilligan guy "gets Martin" likes to the max!!!!!

"Never, in the entire history of planet earth has there ever existed a mortal being who exhibited this degree of cool.

 This is bionic cool.

Take notes and stand in awe."

We swankly salute our deeply Dino-diggin' pallie Gilligan and likes thanks him profusely for so openly and devotedly speakin' of his undyin' adulation of our Dino.  Stay tuned for an ever  more powerful prose and remarkable revelations of our Dino's life and times in tomorrow. Dino-report.

btw, likes we couldn't resist sharin' two of our fav Helmer related pixs....the first our Dino relaxin' with his ever present Kent cigarette in hand on the set of "The Wrecking Crew," and our Dino makin' it with Miss January, 'gain ever present Kent between his fingers" in "Murders' Row."

We remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

Matt Helm (Dean Martin in The Silencers)Never, in the entire history of planet earth has there ever existed a mortal being who exhibited this degree of cool. This is bionic cool. Take notes and stand in awe.


  1. Haha!! Love love love Gilligans description of our pal amongst pals! Def I Nate LY a Dino- holics Dino- holic!

  2. I have one have to agree with this blog post, Dean is truly the one and only. A fun and great read DMP, thank you for bringing this gem our way!

    Have a great week.

