Wednesday, July 27, 2016

[Monty was] "a friend dear to me."

Hey pallies, likes one great Dino-turn deserves 'nother dudes.  Likes so so often after uncoverin' one great bit of Dino-treasure 'nother will quickly follow. Case in point dudes.....after  discoverin' that incredibly intriguin' image of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis, we simply couldn't resist takin' a gander at more of the Dino-poses offered at the "iamdinomartins" tumblr site.

Likes, there certainly are a ton of powefully potent poses of our King of Cool there that we coulda shares, and we will definitely come back for more Dino-action, we simply couldn't resist sharin' the quartet of purely pleasurable pixs of our Dino and Mr. Montgomery Clift durin' the time that they starred together in the big screen drama "The Young Lions."    We are particularly smitten by the second of the four images of Dino and Monty and to tell the truth, we ain't sure if it is taken from the fabulous flick or simply a cool candid of the two relaxin' durin' filmin'.

And, we gotta 'fess up that we are monumentally moved by the quotation shared speakin' of our Dino's tender 'n touchin' relationship with Mr. Clift.  These wonderful words of awesome affection for his pallie Monty speaks volumes of his lovin' loyalty to 'nother strugglin' human bein'.  Such remarkable remembrances from the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino makes us ever more drawn deeper and deeper into the purest of pure devotion to our one and only Dino.

'gain we sezs our thank you very much to the pallie who hangs their hat at "iamdinomartins" for these powerful poses and deeply felt Dino-hearted thoughts.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

[Monty was] a friend dear to me. Nobody wanted him around, nobody would eat with him. I took him to dinner, or I would have a drink with him, or I would put him to bed cause he was always on pills. He was so sad, such a sad, sad man, and he was like a boy, so unhappy and rejected, and so I’d say, ‘Come on, Clift, let’s go.’ I’d bring him with me everywhere.” ~ Dean Martin  

1 comment:

  1. What a TRULY carin' guy our pal was! Just a great human bein'! I thinks you is right, pallie...the 2nd pic down does look candid. Just two pallies sharin' some time.
