Friday, July 29, 2016

Katarina Johnson-Thompson: "I know pretty much every Dean Martin Song Lyric

Hey pallies, likes here's 'nother amazin'ly  awesome affirmation that yet 'nother of today's extremely energetic and stunnin'ly successful youth is a deeply deeply digger of our most beloved Dino.  The Summer Olympics Games begin in just a few short days in Rio de Janeiro on August 5, and as a cool promo of the games the British Broadcasting Corporation is airin' a series of short vids under the tag "Three Things About Me," helpin' fans to become better acquainted with members of this year's Brit Olympic Team.

One of the British 2016 contenders is 23-year-old  Heptathlete Katarina Johnson-Thompson, who finished in 15th place during the 2012 Summer Games.  Likes in the vibrant vid below, Miss Johnson-Thompson's shares the followin'  third thin' 'bout her sayin'...."I know pretty much every Dean Martin Song.....Lyric......"  The ...... represent words that we could not hear clearly on the vid.
Likes we solidly stand in amazin' awe of  Katarina's terrific testimonial of her powerfully pure passion for our one and only Dino.

We certainly will be keepin' our ears open for more news on Miss Johnson-Thompson's awesome admiration for our King of Cool.  We profusely thank her for amazin' affirmin' of her deep delight in our main man and we are sure that her openness to sharin' her Dino-appreciato will bring many many more of today's young adults into the Dino-fold!  We wishes Katarina the best as she participates in the Rio 2016 Olympics.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


  1. A wonderful find and posting DMP! It is amazing that this person was in the olympics before, wonderful!

    Have a great weekend!

