Friday, July 22, 2016

Everybody Loves Choosing.....Our Dino

 Robert Murray

Hey pallies, likes all week long we have been havin' deeply delightful Dino-fun accentin' some of our Dino's al-b-ums 'specially with the playful prose from our pallie at "The Prudent Groove."  Well, likes we have just the like minded post to offer as a follow up.  It's from 'nother beautiful blog that accents
vinyl tagged "THE GROOVES MAN - building a record collection one dollar at a time."

The 'grooves man" happens to be Mr. Robert Murray and he has described his blog as  "designed around records, a year long journey to build a record collection in 365 days for under $1000, one blog post at a time!"  On June 19 of this very Dino-year Mr Murray offered the Dino-focused post "Everybody Loves Choosing," which you may have guessed is fantastically focused on our most beloved Dino's most beloved song, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" and the al-b-um of that same title.

Below you will read how Robert purchased not one but two of this vintage vinyl at a church thrift sale, each for a mere dollar, but with some variations in each, and Murray guides us through his thought processes of which copy to keep and which to regift.  It's an incredibly insight bit of prose that any of us Dino-devotees can learn from as we goes 'bout buildin' our own cool collections of Dino-vinyl.

ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Robert Murray's terrific taste in addin' some Dino-croons to his growin' vintage vinyl collection and for usin' his potent pad to spread some Dino-love 'round.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.

We remain,

Yours in Dino,

Dino Martin Peters

June 19, 2016 Everybody Loves Choosing


Dean Martin, Everybody Loves Somebody, Reprise R-6130, 1964

Sometimes,you just get lucky.  At a church run thrift store, I found TWO copies of this classic Dean Martin album, both still in their original shrink wrap.  At $1 each, it was worthy to get both, but which one would be the best one to keep and which one would I re-gift?

The one on the left is a stereo copy, which would normally be the simple, easy answer.  Stereo copies are usually more rare and since they were more expensive, they were played fewer times by their more affluent original owners.  There are some color variations in the sleeves, but Reprise, like a most independent labels, used different manufacturing plants. Finding the same album made in different places has slight variants.

But there are some other things to look for though.


The back covers are both very clean, but original owner Les Goff made sure his John Hancock was plainly visible.  Again, that would tend to make me favor the album on the left.


The inner sleeves are also in excellent shape, but the left hand one is just a plain white sleeve, while the right is a 1964 era Reprise sleeve featuring the adult music stars that made up the bulk of their roster then. Score one for the right hand side record!


The final decision, though comes down to the actual records.  The one on the left is the Reprise label from the late 60s, while the one on the right has the three colored 1964 label.  The record on the left is not the first pressing, and you always want to add an original record over a re-issue.  Even if that reissue is a clean, 48 year old stereo copy

Today’s Summary:

Cost: $1, $970 Remaing


  1. I has this record album too!! If I remember correctly I bought it at a record store in Albany New York. It would of been in late July or early August in the mid 1970's and bought with allowance money or saved Christmas money. It's the reissue one but it is in excellent shape. Not a scratch or fingerprint on it. Sleeve is still original and nary a rip in it. Cover is just a little shmutched on the spine near the bottom.

    I remember that because my Aunt Reta & Uncle Henry (actually Great Aunt & Uncle) did not have a record player that actually worked (they was both in their 70's by that time) I had to wait an excruciating long week to get home and play it on my portable record player.....over and over and over, etc etc etc.

    These Dean Martin albums that I own all have memories attached to them of friends and relatives that have come and gone over the years. Tis another reason I have kept them.

    Thanks to original poster, and ilovedinomartin for bringing back and letting share a childhood memory.


  2. Man o man...sounds like Robert got VERY lucky! Dino vinyl for a buck??!! That's like hittin'' the lottery in my house!!! ! Hahaha!!!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Deanspalley, THANKS YOU for sharin' your wonderful memories of purchasin' this Dino-treasure. Woulda youse ever be open to sharin' more of your marvelous memories...we woulda loves to create a special feature where you coulda awesomely accent each and every al-b-um in your Dino-collection by sharin' with the ilovedinomartin readership. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino.

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, grabbin' great Dino-deals is much more likely then grabbin' a lottery win. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  5. I have a lot of first pressing vinyls. All in excellent condition! No inner sleeves, though. They got ragged, and I didn't want them to scratch the vinyls.

  6. Talk about hitting the jackpot, two fantastic albums for only a dollar each, wow. Besides two great and different albums we also get a lesson on the differences of both, something i normally would have no idea on. It really is very interesting to read about. I probably would keep both records. lol. Thank you DMP for a great blog and lesson!

    Have a wonderful week.


  7. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-0, thanks for your faithfulness to our Dino via our humble little ilovedinomartin blog. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!

  8. DMP,
    I too ill to write up a post for you.

    Here's what I want to call to your attention:

    Tom Stevens is the best Dino impersonator ever! I've had the privilege of meeting him twic in Steubenville at two different Dean Martin Festivals. He wowed me both times.
