Friday, July 01, 2016

A Word From Dino Martin Peters

Hey pallies, likes Dino Martin Peters here.  Likes sorry to have been AWOL dudes here at our humble little ilovedinomartin blog, but likes sometimes life throws us  a curb ball or two or three or more and likes you simply have to radically  roll with those potent punches pallies.  That's what's been happenin' dudes and we simply have had to take some time away from active Dino-duty.

We likes gotta 'fess up that we don't know  when or where we will get fully back in the Dino-groove, but we ask your ultra ubber understandin' durin' this time.  We have a number of Dino-posts that we are most eager to share with Dino-holics everywhere, but they will most likely be offered somewhat sporadically as we try to get back on our Dino-feet.

To more fully feed you Dino-appetites, might we suggest that you review the over 3300  published Dino-grams, which have been faithfully posted here over the course of the nine years that ilovedinomartin has been liftin' up the life, times and teachin's of our most beloved Dino.

As we close for now dudes, we share with you an awesomely amazin' youtube vid of 5---count 'em---5 veritable versions of our one and only Dino coolly croonin' what has become the Dino-truth for us...."Where Or When."  The five live vids span over two delightful decades of our Dino's charmin' croonin' career.....1966 to 1988.

We  remain,

Yours In Dino,

Dino Martin Peters


  1. We await your return, DMP, and a good resolution to whatever difficult situation you are facing.

    Take care, my Dino friend.

  2. Man o man, pal...I am truly Ecstatic to see you postin' today! Take your time & deal with life's bumps...then get back where your needed my friend! You made my day, pallie!

  3. Yeah, Danny G.

    If I weren't so sick, I'd stand up and cheer!

    DMP, all the best to you.

  4. Positive thoughts your way, pallie...
    George the Greek in Texas

  5. It is wonderful to see your post today DMP, i have been very concerned with your absence but fully understand that sometimes there are moments in life that are out of our control and have to be delt with. I understand that this may take time and i am sure you will do what you feel is best for your situation. I will look forward to seeing you on 'ilovedinemartin' whenever you are able too.

    My very best to you.

