Sunday, June 05, 2016

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "It's Easy To Remember But So Hard To Forget"

Welcome back, my friends & Welcome to our first Sunday Serenade with Dino of "The Day Coolness Came To Earth" month, 2016!
This is DEF I NATE LY a special month & DEF I NATE LY commands a special Serenade!
 Now pallies o mine...with Dean's 99th Birthday only a couple days 'way...we may find ourselves lookin' back & ponderin' where the years have gone.
 Maybe feelin' a wee bit melancholy, too.
 I know I often do.
 Cants' help it, pals...that's just how I is.
We ALL miss our main man, Dino.
Miss the days he was still amongst us & know we won't EVER see the likes of him' gain.
 BUT...let's stay positive, mi amici!
Dean is, in a way, still with us!
He's left us SO SO many... COOL COOL "gifts" of himself...that he will NEVER really be gone!
'Member what I told youse last week..."our true heroes will really be with us ALWAYS!"
 I truly believes it, pallies.
It's up to us to keeps Dean ALIVE!
To share & spread his coolness to the next generation!
 Who could ask for an easier job than that, pals?! Haha!!
 I spread "The Dino" wherever I go!
I simply gets thrilled from the look I'll get when I mention his name to a stranger who maybe hasn't thought 'bout him for many years.
 Right away...their eyes light up!
They will say how much they loved him & how handsome he was! Haha!!
 I'm bettin' they go home & dig out that ol' vinyl al b um & reminisce 'bout some fun & happy days! That's our job! Ha!
Dosen't get any better than that, my friends! 

 OK. Let's get some "magic" swirlin'!
This week's Serenade, "So Easy to Remember But So Hard to Forget", seems to fit perfectly for a special time like this.
I'm gonna dedicate this one to 'nother very special "Dino diggin'soul" in my life...that has come & gone...& who would have celebrated a birthday yesterday.
This ones goin' up to Eddie V. 'Nother GREAT guy.
So, here we go pals...enjoy the live vid from Dean's show.
Keep smilin' & keep spreadin' the Dino magic!

Your sweet expression the smile you gave me
The way you looked when we met
It's easy to remember so hard to forget

I hear you whisper I always love you
I know it's over and yet
It's easy to remember but oh so hard to forget
So I must dream to have your hand caress me fingers press me tight
I'd rather dream than have that lonely feeling stealing through the night
Each little moment is clear before me
And though it brings me regret
It's easy to remember but so hard to forget


  1. It is hard to believe that Deans birthday is fast approaching and this would be his 99th year on earth, it really is amazing. What a wonderful song and way to remember his birthday, a great selection as always Danny G. Thank you as always for your continued hard work.

    I hope you are well and have a great up coming week my friend!


  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thanks 'gain for such powerful patter and cool choice Dino-selection for hugely homagin' our Dino on his upcomin' 99th anniversary of his descent to earth. Never was, never will be anyone as cool as the King of Cool...oh, to return to the days when Dino walked the earth! Keeps lovin 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. My pleasure, pals o mine! Loves sharin' the Dino-vibe!
