Thursday, May 26, 2016

These are just some of my frustrated thoughts,from an absolute HUGE HUGE fan of Dean.

 Dean Martin   For the Good Times Live in London

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-gram comes to us in response to yester-Dino-day's post on the upcomin' release in early June of the UK import Dino-al-b-um collection "60 Essential Tracks Dean Martin."  Likes how appro that our deeply diggin' Dino-holic Graham from the UK scribed a choice collection of well written words 'bout some of the desires of his Dino-heart after his daily read of ilovedinomartin.

Graham's, as youse Dino-philes will remember is 'mong the most blessed of blessed Dino-addicts ever as he got to meet our most beloved Dino in person while our Dino was playin'  the London Palladium in 1987.  You can read Graham's remarkable remembrance ruminations  HERE.  Below Graham shares some of his greatest of great yearnin's when it come to the releasin' of previous unreleased treasure from our great great man.  And, likes, of course, we completely concur with each and everyone of his Dino-desires!!!!!

We thanks our Graham for droppin' ilovedinomartin pallies some powerfully potent patter, and all we can say is that we hope that Graham is granted the deepest desires of his deepest of deep Dino-heart!
And, likes of course, we hopes that Graham for soon bestow on his more of his incredible insights into our one and only Dino!   Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Dean Martin - Medley #1 (Live in London)

Hi from the shores of Great Britain .   I know it's always nice to see another CD release of Dean's vast catalogue of work , as it continues to spread his many talents to audiences Worldwide , especially the new  "Deanagers", who may only just be realizing how gifted our man was .

All  these compilation releases are wonderful for them , but what would be REALLY nice for everyone,  is for someone to release the tracks that Dean has recorded , and have NEVER seen the light of day . At the moment all we seem to get are repackaged tracks in a new picture sleeve.
 Perhaps next year , Dean's 100th , may set a new trend with the Dean Martin Family Trust, or whoever,  to release rare items from of Dean, items  that aren't readily available at the moment . They could make a huge impact.

This includes  several "shelved " songs that have been recorded , and of course the many shows , specials and concerts that for some reason have never been shown , which is a huge shame .
Even his 1983 Concert was not broadcast in it's original form , and suffered drastic editing.
His Variety Club lunch with Princess Anne, at the London Hilton,  would have been wonderful to see in it's fullness, especially the sequence in which he sang "Where Or When ", with Joe Loss and his Orchestra . Why wasn't that included !!??

There must be so much on shelves somewhere,waiting for someone to decide to blow off those cob-webs.

People want to see all this and hear all this . Come on all you in control of things , please give us something really exiting and new .

The planned Hologram is something to look forward to , but in my mind again , possibly should be released next year on Dean's 100th Birthday . And what could be a better place for it's Las Vegas debut than the MGM Grand !!

These are just some of my frustrated thoughts,from an absolute HUGE HUGE fan of Dean. Something that I've been for 50 years, and continue to be.
All best regards, Graham.
Take a look around.


  1. Hey Graham...I am COM PLETE LY on board with you , pal!

  2. This gentleman does make a lot of very good and valid points. Of course everyone will simply have to wait and see how things turn out. Thank you DMP for bringing this interesting post our way.

    Have a wonderful week.

