Monday, May 16, 2016

Brian singing Dean Martin

Hey pallies, likes today we are sharin' somethin' that we don't often share here at ilovedinomartin.....a vid clip of an everyday  pallie doin' Dino-emulation.  Likes it's not 'cause we don't digs sharin' in the words of our Dino "de common folks" croonin' Dino-tunes, but likes if we started sharin' the huge huge collection of vids of folks doin' their renditions of our main man, we woulda likes never ever gets to sharin' anythin' else.

But, likes when the pallies at google sent us a Dino-'lert that directed us to the vid below, and likes as we started to listen to it,  we likes just knew that we were bein'  compellin'ly called to share Mr. Brian  McCauley's remarkable rendition of our Dino's signature croon, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" with all youse Dino-holics.

Likes to our Dino-ears, Brian has done a great great job of creatin' the Dino-sound, and of course we are totally totally turned on by the fact that he is  an exemplary example of 'nother of today's youth usin' their terrific talents to honor 'n homage our one and only Dino.  And, we are deeply deeply moved by Brian's energetic efforts in the cause of our most beloved Dino, as it appears that Mr. McCauley has a disability that has not stopped him in the pursuit of using his musical gifts to the fullest.

We solemnly salute Mr. Brian McCauley for sharin' his musical gift and his obvious delight in our Dino with the wider world through the vehicle of youtube.  We awesomely applaud you for your energetic efforts and we hope that we will find many many vids of you croonin' many more Dino-tunes in the future!   In our Dino, DMP

Brian singing Dean Martin

Brian McCauley as Dean


  1. Man o man...I is COM PLETELY moved & blown away by this disciple of Dino's croonin'! Brian did such a Great Great job! I am with you, DMP, in hopin' that he continues piston' future Dino croons!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, as you know we are also absolutely totally "COM PLETELY moved & blown away by this disciple of Dino's croonin'!" It is likes an extraordinary first effort by an obviously turned on Dino-devotee! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. It looks like you have discovered a wonderful new entertainer DMP. Brian did such a wonderful job here, he was a natural! Thank you for binging this treat our way my friend!

    Have a great week.


  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, we are deeply delighted to find you are also awesomely appreciative of Brian's Dino-efforts! Keeps lovin' and sharin' our most beloved Dino!
