Friday, May 20, 2016

Artist After 6: Dean Martin

Kent Chambers
Hey pallies, likes we infrequently offer more then one Dino-gram of Dino-devotion each day, but today we have breakin' new likes 'specially for our pallies to the north in Canada in and 'round Brantford, ON where radio station  CKPC-FM - FM 92.1, Jewel 92 - Lite & Refreshin' fills the airwaves with cool.

Jewel 92 radio personality Mr. Kent Chambers scribed an entry today at their 'net pad announcin' the delightful news that this very evenin' from 7 to 8 p.m. (Canadian time)  our most beloved Dino's croons will fill their airwaves durin' their programme tagged "The Lounge."   Likes we knew that we couldn't way 'til the morrow to gets this out 'cause it woulda be too too late for Dino-holics  in that part of the Dino-globe to partake of the Dino-celebration.

As part of the post Kent shares a youtube  vid of our Dino's swankest of swank signature croon, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."  We thank Mr. Kent Chambers for gettin' the Dino-word out and for all the pallies at the station who are havin' our Dino's reign of cool shared this evenin'...likes just wishes we coulda tune in for these fantastic festivities a la Dino!  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.  Dino-delightedly, DMP

Artist After 6: Dean Martin

Dean Martin
The Artist After 6: Dean Martin. He’s in the first hour of the Lounge at 7 along with other great artists. Click Read More to see “Deano” at his best. Pics: and YouTube.


  1. It is wonderful to see our friends up north get in on all the Dino action and of course with such a classic song as this! Thank you my friend for bringing this classic song and posting our way!

    Have a great week DMP.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, dude likes you are as always so so right on the Dino-mark...loves, loves, loves to find more and more pallies gettin' turned on to the Dino-beat through the energetic efforts of pallies like the dudes at this Canadian radio station! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
