Saturday, May 28, 2016

20th Anniversary Dean Martin 2016 Festival

Hey pallies, likes stop the presses pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that we almost forgot to check in with the Stu-ville pallies to checks out what will be shakin' at Dino-fest 2016.  Likes when we landed on the homepage for the festival we discovered that this is likes the 20th anniversary of this yearly homagin' of our most beloved Dino by his hometown always always takin' place over Daddy-o Weekend each year.

Likes below is the logo as well as the schedule of events takin' place June 16-18 in Stubenville.   The Dino-fest activities seem to be very similiar to past celebrations, but likes we are totally totally pumped to see that this year the committee has come up with the swankest of swank way to involve kiddies in showin' their deepest of deep devotion to our most beloved Dino.

For the first time the Festival is havin' a Dino-colorin' Contest sponsored by the local Stu-ville Golden Arches.  That's correct pallies the Stubenville Mcdonald's is offerin' tykes and tots the opportunity to use their crayons and markers to show their personal  passion for our one and only Dino.   Below are the examples of the colorin' sheets that children will use to enter the Dino-colorin' contest.  Now likes how cool is that.

Likes if you clicks on the tag of this Dino-message and go to the official site of the Dean Martin Festival you will be able to click on the colorin' sheets to get larger editions that you can share with your youthful Dino-devotees to enjoy colorin' whether or not they can get 'em to Stu-ville to enter the official contest.  We salute the offical Dino-fest plannin' committee and all the pallies who call our Dino's birthplace their pad and wish 'em the best as they welcome Dino-holics from all over the Dino-globe for this year's Dino-fest.   Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP



Call us for Reservations or questions!

General Admission - $15
Gold Circle Seating - $25

Thursday June 16th
8PM Dino video tribute
Music Scholarship Auction
9PM Contest Rehearsal
Dino Singing Contest

Winner Opens the Show - Friday Night at 7:45PM

Friday June 17th
The Spot Bar
7PM Welcome with Lou Martini Jr. star of TV, Movies, and Radio.
Special guests, auction items, scholarship winners.
8PM Dean Martin Festival 20th Anniversary Tribute Show
Chris Denem
Russ Loniello
Bob Morelli
Tom Stevens

Saturday June 18th
12:00PM Frank Gallo Orchestra
Dean Martin Festival Committee silent auction
Meatball eating contest
4:30PM Bar closes
6:30PM Bar Opens
7:00PM Welcome with Lou Martini Jr.
Special guests, auction items
8:00PM Dean Martin Festival 20th Anniversary Tribute Show
Frank & Dean Show - Dave Salera and Bob Morelli
Chris Denem
Russ Loniello
Tom Stevens



Coloring Contest sponsored by McDonald's of Steubenville.


  1. Man o cool is this?!!! 20 awesomely awesome years of Dean's celebration festivities...and now even a fun fun colorin' contest for the kiddies from good ol' Mickey Dee's! Wow...woulda I loves to be there!!! O well, pals...someday!

  2. I see that Tom Stevens is scheduled. As far as I'm concerned, he is the best of all the Dino impersonators!

    How I wish that I were going to Steubenvill for this gala!

  3. Hey, pallies...been following this blog for a number of years. An absolute life long Dino fan here who REALLY appreciates the time and effort you put in here.
    Crazy idea, here. I'm planning a trip to Steubenville next year during the festival to celebrate Dino's 100th. What ya say some of us Dino devotees meet up there a raise a toast to our main man? We can make a hell of a weekend of it! It'll be a gas, man!
    George the Greek in Texas

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes we completely share your Dino-sentiments...all Dino-holics hope to one day pilgrimage to our Dino's home town to experience where coolness came to earth!
    Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  5. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, indeed we share the same Dino-yearnin' day Stu-ville! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  6. Hey pallie, likes Mr. Hathaway, thanks for speakin' up and likes we think it is a delightful Dino-notion to have tons of lovers of our Dino meetin' up in Stu-ville for our Dino's 100th.
    If you woulda likes some promotional materials, I'm sure we woulda be glad to share 'em. Likes hopes to hear more from you in the days ahead. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!

  7. It sounds like it is going to be an absolutely fantastic time and i only wish i could be there myself. I am sure for those that are able to attend they will remember it for life. Thank you DMP for reminding everyone of this important event.


  8. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, Stu-ville is the place to be to walk where Dino walked and to breathe in the air that Dino breathed. Maybe one day we all can meet up in our Dino's hometown for Dino-fest! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
