Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Hey pallies, likes after a  break to honor an intensely important date in he life and times of our most beloved Dino, the day he said I do to Miss Cathy Mae Hawn and to share our pallie of pallies Scotty's return to Dino-duty,  we return with part 7 of the 10 part series of promo posters from the pallies at "ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY - ART THAT POPS."   We're back in the saddle with our western lovin' Dino in his last big screen western, "Show Down" co-starrin' with Mr. Rock Hudson and Miss Susan Clark.

This time 'round the poster pallies offer us one poster from the American release which includes "a great illustration painting."   Likes it wasn't 'til we began these particular series of posts that we even thought 'bout the many and varied artists that were commissioned to do the awesome art work on these posters used to attract pallies to the movie theatre's 'round the globe.

Three more parts to go pallies, and as ever, we thank the folks at "ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY - ART THAT POPS"  for accentin' the Rat Pack and thus our main man durin' this month of April.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of these here Dino-thoughts.   Always, Dino, Always, DMP

SHOWDOWN (1973) - DEAN MARTIN MOVIE POSTERS (Part 7/10)By the late 60′s and early 70′s DEAN MARTIN’s movie roles were mainly Westerns (outside of his Matt Helm movies- see Part 1). One of them is this 1973 virile film starring his real life good friend Rock Hudson as a tough Sheriff hounding Martin, his ex best friend turned robber. Watch the movie trailer here.Above is the vintage half sheet movie poster sporting a great illustration painting.In April 2016 All our RAT PACK (Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr…) posters are ON SALE HereIf you like this entry, check the other 9 parts of this week’s Blog as well as our Blog Archives and all our NEW POSTERSThe poster above courtesy of ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY

By the late 60′s and early 70′s DEAN MARTIN’s movie roles were mainly Westerns (outside of his Matt Helm movies- see Part 1). One of them is this 1973 virile film starring his real life good friend Rock Hudson as a tough Sheriff hounding Martin, his ex best friend turned robber. Watch the movie trailer here.
Above is the vintage half sheet movie poster sporting a great illustration painting.
If you like this entry, check the other 9 parts of this week’s Blog as well as our Blog Archivesand all our NEW POSTERS
The poster above courtesy of ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY


  1. What a great looking movie poster and movie. I like the sounds of Rock and Dean working together on the opposite sides of the law as well. This of course will go to my must watch list. Thank you DMP for a great looking post.


  2. Great poster & GREAT flick too! I think the only thin' Dean enjoyed more than watchin' a cool cool western was MAKIN' a cool cool western!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, thanks for the potent patter pallie! "though we have a copy of this western, we still haven't had the op to view it yet...mucho more Dino then mucho more time! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny G. we gotta 'gree with you on this Dino-proposition, we believe that we recall readin' that our main man have troubles on the set of "Showdown," and if we recall correctly his horse died durin' the filmin' of this flick. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  5. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, I think those Dino-details come from Tosches tome of deepest Dino-devotion..."DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams." Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
