Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Hey pallies, likes back we are for Part 2 of "ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY -ART THAT POPS" 10 part salute to our most beloved Dino's silver screen appearances a la original movie poster promotional art, all part of this site's April celebration of the Rat Pack.

Likes the accent on Part 2 is on our Dino's most magnificant moments on the big screen as the Dude in that classic of classic western "Rio Bravo."  Many many Dino-devotees woulda tells youse that this is our great man's greatest celluloid role, and one for sure that he oughta not only been nominated for Best Actor, but oughta won as well!

Truth be told, we are absolute awestruck by the posters shared below, once 'gain pointin' to the international acclaim that our Dino received for his fantastic flicks.  Represented here "are  are two original Italian fotobusta movie posters along with the Italian large 4 Fogli poster (1968 rerelease) along with the very rare vintage Czech and Japanese posters."  We stand in absolute awe of the ubber unique art  work on each of 'em!!!!

And, likes 'gain we sez our thanks to the pallies at "ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY -ART THAT POPS" for this fantastically fabulous multi-part series salutin' our one, our only Dino.  To checks out today's offerin' in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.   Dino-always, DMP

Rio Bravo Italian fotobusta movie poster (R1968-1959)

Rio Bravo Japanese movie poster (1959)

Rio Bravo Italian 4F movie poster (R1968-1959)Rio Bravo Czech movie poster (1966-1959)
Rio Bravo Italian fotobusta movie poster (R1978-1959)

Possibly DEAN MARTIN’s best acting performance as the drunk sheriff deputy to John Wayne (see Part 5) in one of the best westerns ever filmed thanks to Howard Hawks’ masterful direction and great costars like Angie Dickinson and Ricky Nelson. Watch the legendary saloon drunk scene here.
Above are two original Italian fotobusta movie posters along with the Italian large 4 Fogli poster (1968 rerelease) along with the very rare vintage Czech and Japanese posters.
If you like this entry, check the other 9 parts of this week’s Blog as well as our Blog Archivesand all our NEW POSTERS
The posters above courtesy of ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY


  1. What a classic western Rio Bravo is and of course it is wonderful that Dean had such a great part in it as well. He did such a remarkable job with this important role. Thank you DMP for this very informative posting!

    Have a great week!


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, you are always of the utmost encouragement in your stunnin' support of the Dino-cause here at ilovedinomartin....thanks pallie, you are simply the BEST man! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
