Friday, April 08, 2016

Matt Helm: "The Ambushers"

Hey pallies, likes no matter what mood we finds ourselves in, likes we are always in the mood for more 'n more Matt Helm Dino-accented devotion.  So, we are pleased as punch to shares with all youse Dino-holics  a post from a blog tagged "MyConfinedSpace" where the blogger has shared a trio of Dino-delights, two images and a vid clip.

The first image is a poster in both Dutch and French promotin' Helmer tres, "The Ambushers."  On the right side of the poster are the words "MATT HELM TRAQUE, which translates from the French "STALKING MATT HELM."  And, at the bottom of the poster are the words "MATT HELM OPGEJAAGD," which translates from the Dutch to "MATT HELM HUNTED."  Likes we totally totally grooves to share potent poster that supremely shows the international appeal of our Dino as swingin' spyster Matt Helm.

The second image is probably the most famous of famous illustrations from the Helmers.....our Dino on his round bed with a beautiful bevy of chicks.  This still finds it source in the movie trailer promotin' Helmer numero duo, "Murder's Row."  It's quite the potent promo for sure dudes!

Last, but not least is a vid clip from near the end of "The Ambushers" where our Dino, ridin' on a Triumph 'cycle,  rescues co-star, Miss Janice Rule.  The vid contains some of the best moments of this fantastic flick.

Likes we sez, we can never ever get 'nough of our most beloved Dino as Matt Helm, and so we sez our thanks to the pallie or pallies at "MyConfinedSpace," for providin' for our Dino-Helmer-fix this particular Dino-day.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-addictedly, DMP

The Ambushers
The Ambushers 1 700x470 The Ambushers Humor Dean Martin 60s

The Ambushers 2 700x394 The Ambushers Humor Dean Martin 60s

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