Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Dinos Together Singin' "Small Fry" on the Dino-show

Hey pallies, likes as yesterday was the 29th anniversary of the untimely death of our most beloved Dino's most beloved namesake boypallie Dino Jr., likes we thoughts it was 'bout time for ilovedinomartin to do a reprisin' of one of the greatest moments from the Dean Martin Variety Show....our Dino and his boypallie doin' such a cool croonin' rendition of "Small Fry" that aired on March 21, 1968 durin' season three of the Dino-show.

The love between father and son is crystal clear as these two terrifically talented singers share some fun patter back and forth...pallie to pallie...... We have always 'specially loved this cool conversation between father and son:

Dino:         Every parent starts wonderin' about this w hen his kids reach a certain age.
Dino Jr.:    I understand.
Dino:         Do you think I'm a square?
Dino Jr.:    Are you kidding?  All us hip kids think you are the hippest old person around.

It is truly truly bittersweet to watch father and son showin' such awesome adulation of each other when  knowin' now that our Dino's heart would be forever broken upon the tragic death of Dino Jr.  Likes pallies enjoy  these marvelously magical moments between the Dinos as share "Small Fry."


  1. Hey there, pallie! I couldn't agrees more 'bout this touchin' & bittersweet Dino duet. Gotta accept it for what it was, pal...a VERY special moment in time. R.I.P. fellas.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o...thanks for the honest Dino-perspective...so so true. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. A wonderful looking singing duet and one that i am sure was so special to both men. Thank you DMP for a wonderful video and posting!

    Have a great week.


  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, indeed a monumental moment in the life of both of the Dinos...very thrillin' to have it captured on film for eternal viewin'. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
