Tuesday, March 01, 2016

James Kelsey: Dean Martin Sings "The Gypsy"

james kelsey
Hey pallies, likes how do we love Dino...let us count the ways.  Indeed there are countless wise wondrous ways and most marvelous means that Dino-holics have of showin' adulatious amore of our most most beloved Dino. Likes today as we begin a brand spankin' new month of Dino-devotion we are deeply delighted to return to youtube to share with you yet 'nother coolly cool croon created by Mr. James Kelsey showin' much love to our Dino in the most ubber unique way.

Faithful readers of ilovedinomartin will remember Kelsey as the dude who uses the simplest of animation to portray our Dino singin' 'nother song.  Likes, of course, the voice we presume belongs to James....and nobody croons a tune likes our one and only Dino, but likes it is fantastic fun to view  Kelsey's cute creativity is usin' his talents to gifts in own unusual unique way to offer his amazin' amore of our most most beloved Dino!

This time 'round James has our Dino croonin' a tune called "The Gypsy."  It surely warms our Dino-hearts to know that pallies all over the 'net loves to use this awesome abilities to love on our lovin' man!!!!! We thanks Mr. James Kelsey for his eager efforts to  show his animated appreciato for our King of Cool.   Dino-delightedly, DMP

dean martin sings "the gypsy."

james kelsey

dean's back again.


  1. A wonderful blog post my friend. It is amazing that even today Dean is still motivating people to be all they can be. Thank you for bringing this our way my friend.

    Have a great week.


  2. Haha! I dig the Dino-efforts of Mr.Kelsey! Fun stuff, pal!

  3. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, you have nailed it dude...."Dean is still motivating people to be all they can be." You have supremely stated the Dino-truth...may our Dino motivate us to be all that we can be as well.....keeps lovin', and when you can sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  4. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, youse and we all dude! Kelsey is ubber unique in his deep devotion to our one and only Dino! Keeps usin' your terrific talents in lovin' and sharin' our most beloved Dino!
