Monday, February 01, 2016

I remember when I first really started to love Dino.....

Hey pallies, likes welcome to Dino-amore month here at ilovedinomartin. Likes dudes, likes day in, day out it brings us the purest of pleasure to share our awesome amore of our Dino with youse  each and every Dino-day, but, likes if possible, it is even more our pleasure to share our deepest of deep devotion to our Dino durin' this most special of special months of the Dino-year.

Likes, we finds ourselves each and every Dino-year with the quintessential  quandary of selectin' just the right potently powerful  post to share with all youse Dino-holics to begins this coolest of cool celebration of  our awesome adulation of our most most beloved Dino...wantin' to solemnly strike  just the right Dino-note to gets the action goin'.

This time 'round, we have felt led to share with all youse Dino-philes what we consider one of the most remarkable reflections of reverent respect for our one and only Dino that we have ever come 'cross.  Likes we gotta 'fess up that we have shared it a number of times in the past, but we are always totally thrilled to share it one more time, knowin' that each and every day new devotees are drawn to our humble little Dino-pad and this will be there first time to discover it.

Today, one more time we takes you to the self-tagged blog pad of nouveau hipster Mr. Richard L. Sykes, who at the time, October 2, 2012 was a freshman in college and told us this 'bout himself...
"I'm Richard, I live in Village Suites and my major is undeclared. I'm from Roswell, Ga but i was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. I play guitar and I'm awesome."

At the time of his his superb scribin' of his deepest of deep devotion to our Dino, Richard was a true Deanager (by the way dudes, likes d'ya all remember that it was our Dino who coined this term for all the youth of 60's and 70's that were turnin' on to the Dino-beat?)  And, we here at ilovedinomartin live to share the Dino-testimonials of the youth of today who are findin' their way to our King of Cool.  Likes it is always so awesomely awesome to read 'nother swank story of how 'nother of the next gen are makin' their path to our one and only Dino!

And that is what Mr. Sykes shared with his readership.....his beautifully bold, poignant  proclamation of how he found his way to the Dino-fold and how life changin' that has been to the livin' of his life.
 Richard is a true Deanager collegiate and likes as you will read..."it wasn’t even a year ago" when our Dino welcomed Sykes into his world and make him his pallie. This Dino-prose is quite short in scribin' but oh, so long in awe-struck-ness of our Dino!

A few of Richard's thoughts...

"I cannot even begin to describe how much i love this artist."

"He’s the best, the classiest, most talented man to have ever lived."

"The way he sang, the swave of his voice, the smooth classy feel to him brought chills to my spine."

"I remember at that moment, I wanted to be him, and ever since that, I have promised myself that I would transform myself to a man of his caliber."

"There are just aren’t enough words to describe it."

 Mucho kudos for the mucho love that Richard Sykes has for our most beloved Dino. How stellar to have this marvelous modster  so so bold in openin'ly announcin' his passion for our King of Cool in such a supremely Dino-devoted way.   We believe that his Dino-story is simply the most perfect of perfect post to launch our Dino-amore month 2016!

To view Richard's patter in it's original format, likes clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, only, and ever, DMP

btw pallies, at the time we were most pleased to receive this powerful patter from Richard 'pon learnin' that we had published his Dino-story here at ilovedinomartin:

Dino Martin Peters,
I truly appreciate your comments and your love for Dino. I am humbled by your page on my post and I am truly thank ful for your praise.

Dean “Dino” Martin: The King of Cool

Dean “Dino” Martin

I cannot even begin to describe how much i love this artist. He’s the best, the classiest, most talented man to have enver lived. Okay that might be opionated slightly but I think many would agree that Martin is a class act. I remember when I first really started to love Dino, it wasn’t even a year ago when I clicked on a video posted on my blog. The video was of the Rat Pack (Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin) playing at a gig with Ed Sulliven. The way he sang, the swave of his voice, the smooth classy feel to him brought chills to my spine. I remember at that moment, I wanted to be him, and ever since that, I have promised myself that I would transform myself to a man of his caliber. There are just aren’t enough words to describe it.

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