Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Graham Remembers: Dean In London 1983

Dean Martin - Bad Bad Leroy Brown (Live in London)

Hey pallies, likes it's magic dudes!  Not long after we posted yesterday's Dino-devotion  with the vid clips of our most beloved Dino's visit to London in '83, believe it our not pallies, one of the deepest of deeply devoted to Dino pallies 'round, a Brit tagged Graham emailed us the remarkable remembrance below that, get this Dino-philes, happened after Graham and his pallies had been present for our Dino's perform at the Apollo Victoria Theater.

We have been acquainted with Mr. Graham since the days of ilovedinomartin's first incarnation, the yahoo group ilovedinomartin....the most active Dino-dialogue group on the 'net in it's day. The blog version of  ilovedinomartin began several years after the yahoo group.  Graham was pallies with down under Deanagers tagged Kylie Hughes and Levi Hollingsworth, and Ky and Levi introduced Graham to our yahoo group, and became a pallie of ours.

Unfortunately we had lost track of Kylie, Levi, and Graham, but recently Graham contacted us concernin' a particular Dino-vid version of "Since I Met You Baby, and we have been in communicato since.  Back in the day, Graham had shared with us, at the yahoo group, his exclusive first person account of how he met our Dino in the flesh...yes pallies....IN THE FLESH!!!!!  And, we are workin' on sharin' that with all youse Dino-holics as the most special of special Dino-amore month presentation before this month's end.

Well, before we have gotten that most wondrous of wondrous Dino-event posted, Graham just emailed us yesterday 'bout his other most special of special Dino-experiences.  As we said, it occured in '83 after our Dino's potent performance at the Apollo Victoria Theater.  We believe that we are the first to be sharin' this incredible information anytime, anywhere on the 'net and we does so on this seventeenth day of Dino-amore month 2016!

Likes we don't wanna takes likes any thunder 'way from Graham's extraordinary experience, so take it 'way Graham!   We does shouts out our awesomest of awesome appreciato to Graham...a Dino-holic's Dino-holic and encourage all of youse to stayed tune for Graham's personal prose on the night he met our King of Cool.   And, btw pallies we begin Graham's marvelous missive with a vid clip of Dino's croonin' of "Bad Bad Leroy Brown".....the song at the cool center of Graham's remarkable remarks!
Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Hi . Another  thing which I forgot to mention to you regarding Dean In London , was that myself, my wife,  and a small group of friends were thrilled to be able to watch Dean RECORD "Bad Bad Leroy Brown".

It was on the night that the Showtime recording took place , and we were outside the theatre at the end of the show , thinking Dean was long gone .

All the recording equipment and vehicles were still parked up , and as we walked past one such vehicle , we glanced in . And there , still on stage was Dino !!

We watched in awe , as he was taping Bad Bad . They must be editing the tape or something, we thought . But that's strange ,  because he hadn't sang Leroy Brown during the concert !!
He was still inside and they were recording the song right at that moment . We watched Dean being prompted , stopped , re-started , asked to move a little to one side , etc.

We just couldn't believe what was happening in front of us on a moniter in one of the trucks .
Then we were spotted , and the door was firmly shut in front of us . But what we had witnessed was truly wonderful . An impromptu Dean , almost rehearsing , and definitely recording the song .
We chatted for a little while , and then Karen my wife, spotted a black limo parked further along the pavement.  Suddenly Dean came out of the theatre , hurried down the steps , got into the limo and was whisked away into the night , car horn blazing at it went .

WOW !!     There can't be many people that have witnessed our man recording . The song was later spliced into the "live" DVD release, but unfortunately some nice items were also cut from the original concert . So, we're NOT really seeing the complete concert as performed , rather an adjusted one for the USA market , which is a shame . But at least there's something out there for Deanagers worldwide to see and appriciate.

Hope all is well .

Best regards, Graham.


  1. Wowweee!!! What a Fan tas ti co experience! Very cool & I gots to admit pal ...I'm MORE than just a wee bit jealous! Haha!!

  2. Hey pallie, likes youse and us all Danny-o. Stay tuned for more awesome amore of our Dino from our pallie Graham! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our one and only Dino!

  3. Who would not want to have been there, at least we get to live it through the memory of someone with first hand knowledge!

    Thank you my friend for all your continuing hard work!


  4. Hey pallie, and likes thanks you Scotty for your energetic efforts in sharin' Dino-patter with us here at our humble little are always an awesome encouragement to all who loves our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' and sharin' our one and only Dino!
