Friday, February 05, 2016

Dean Martin plays, well, himself!

Hey pallies, likes on this fifth day of Dino-amore month 2016 likes we just can't resist followin' up yesterday's Dino-gram on the Italiano showin' of "Kiss Me Stupid" on the same screen with a remarkable review of said sex farce that was posted on the anniversary of our Dino's birthday, June 7, last year.  Likes instead of thinkin' that we simply didn't get 'round to sharin' it then when we had a ton of huge homagin' Dino-posts for that special of special Dino-dates, we are thinkin' that we were simply meant to share it this very Dino-day!  When it is Dino-focused, all thin's work out for the Dino-best.

That said dudes, likes we takes you to the blog  "CLASSIC MOVIE - FAVORITE ACTORS, ACTRESSES, DIRECTORS, FILMS AND MORE" where flick reviewer Miss Julie shares her incredible insights into none other then the Dino-epic, "Kiss Me Stupid."  Miss Julie's bio tells us that she grew up in Hertfordshire, England, and now lives in South Wales with her boyfriend and their two dogs."   From the get go Miss Julie 'fesses up that KMS "is the first Dean Martin film I have seen."  Likes dudes, what a way to start in gettin' hooked on our most beloved Dino's silver screen actin' career!

Likes we can tell this Miss Julie is truly in the Dino-know 'cause she opens her synopsis section with the powerfully profound pontification  that "Dean Martin plays, well, himself!"  Obviously Miss Julie may not have seen our Dino on the screen before this, but she is obviously supremely smitten by our Dino, and as she said in her intro, "I have also recently taken a liking to the solo music of Dean Martin."

What we likes digs most 'bout Miss Julie's lovin' efforts is that she shares a sextet of great Dino-poses includin' one for sure that we ain't seen on the 'net before.  Also we appreciate the trivia notes that she shares as well.  We are hopin' that Miss Julie will find the way clear to be viewin' and reviewin' many many more of our Dino's fabulous flicks for her reader's excellent edification!  We swankly salute Miss Julie's superb scribin', sure to help bring many many more folks to deeper and deeper lovin' of our main man!  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  More 'n More Dino-amorin!,  DMP


June 7th marks the birthday of Singer and Actor Dean Martin. Having taken an interest in Frank Sinatra and The Rat Pack, I have also recently taken a liking to the solo music of Dean Martin. Kiss, Me Stupid is the first Dean Martin film I have seen.
Given the film was directed by Billy Wilder I undoubtedly had certain expectations about the film, having already enjoyed Some Like It HotThe Lost WeekendThe Seven Year Itch, andSunset BoulevardKiss Me, Stupid is definitely an enjoyable film for the most part, but I must admit I didn’t like the way the film ended. I’m not going to give away any spoilers here for those who haven’t seen the film and wish to, for it is a real funny film in parts. I was just disappointed at how certain events in the film played out. In researching other reviewer opinions afterwards, it looks like I’m not the only one! I did however enjoy some of the jokes that were made during the film such as when Dino wonders why the police have blocked off the road at the start of the film by asking if:
“That Sinatra kid gone missing again?!” (Frank Sinatra Junior was actually kidnapped in 1963.)
Dean Martin plays, well, himself! Straight from Las Vegas and on his way to Hollywood, Dino has to make a detour through a small dead end town called Climax, in Nevada. Whilst there he meets gas station worker Barney played by Cliff Osmond (The Fortune Cookie(1966)) and piano teacher Orville played by Ray Walston (The Sting (1973)). Orville is married to the prettiest girl in town, Zelda, played by Felicia Farr (3:10 to Yuma (1957)). Despite all his unjustified suspicions over what his wife gets up to, Zelda loves him dearly. Orville and Barney have been amateur songwriters for some time and are getting nowhere. That is until Dino shows up in town and Barney messes with Dino’s car and tells Dino he’ll have to stay in Climax for the night. This will give Barney and Orville a chance to try and get Dino to accept some of the songs they have written. Orville agrees to let Dino stay at his house. But Dino is a complete womanizer and it’s clear he’s looking forward to meeting Orville’s wife, especially after seeing her measurements on her sewing dummy. Learning that Zelda is a massive Dino fan, and petrified that sex-maniac Dino will try his luck with her, Orville comes up with a plan. He makes Zelda mad enough with him to leave the house and go stay with her parents for the night, before realizing Dino’s presence, whilst Barney goes to find a woman who can play at being Orville’s wife. Enter Kim Novak (Vertigo (1958); Bell, Book and Candle (1958).) Kim Novak plays cocktail waitress Polly, who lives in a trailer with her parrot and dreams of getting out of this dead end town. If Dino tries his luck with Polly, it shouldn’t matter to Orville either way and maybe Orville can persuade Dino to take on his and Barney’s songs? All this on Orville and Zelda’s wedding anniversary!
  • The role of Orville was offered to Jack Lemmon.
  • One of the parts was written for Marilyn Monroe, who by the time the film was released, had sadly died in August 1962. Conflicting reports say the part was either Zelda or Polly.
  • Jayne Mansfield was reported to have been the replacement for Marilyn, but stepped aside due to pregnancy.
  • There are two versions of this film; an American version and a version released outside the U.S. The reason being, one scene was thought too steamy for U.S audiences!
  • Peter Sellers originally played the role of Orville, and shooting of the film began. However after Sellers suffered a heart attack he had to withdraw.
Ray Walston’s performance as the jealous and irrational Orville with his knitted sweater of Beethoven, was rather entertaining. We see the thought process going through Orville’s mind as he thinks jealous thoughts, whilst a creepy and disturbing musical score accompanies him. In one scene in particular Orville becomes jealous over one of his teenage piano students bringing flowers for Zelda. Orville tries to restrain himself, but we see what’s going through his mind, and the poor student ends up being chased from Orville’s house, minus his shirt!
Dean Martin himself puts on a very funny performance as he unashamedly pursues Polly, completely believing that she is Orville’s wife, yet still somewhat baffled that Orville seems to have no problem throwing her at him! Despite this, at times you just want to put Dino in his place!
Kim Novak’s performance was great, as the sweet, and fed up girl with a bad cold, who really dreams of a better life for herself other than to stay in this dreary old town and work at the sleazy Bellybutton club.
Happy Birthday to Dean Martin! Born June 7th 1917.


  1. Great review by Miss Julie! DEF I NATE LY dig Dino playin' Dino! Love it!

  2. Hey pallie, likes thanks once 'gain for sharin' your personal devotion to our Dino through your powerful patter of absolutely awesome appreciato of our most beloved Dino! Keeps diggin', keeps sharin' our one, our only Dino!

  3. What a great in depth review my friend, the movie of course sounds like a real winner. Thank you fro bringing this wonderful blog post our way.

    Have a great weekend.


  4. Hey pallie, likes cool to hear from you Scotty and we are incredibly thrilled to know you digs the Dino-review....if you ain't seen KMS...remember that the Dino-gram before this Dino-gram includes the youtube vid of the entire flick for your Dino-viewin' pleasure! Keeps lovin',keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
