Thursday, January 21, 2016

In part three, we destroy a Christmas classic as we expose Dean Martin as the dirty old man he has always been so proud of being.

Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-gram qualifies as a Dino-wintry post 'cause it accents our Dino's croonin' of what may be his most amorin' wintry croon "Baby It's Cold Outside."   From the podcast blog  "I Probably Shouldn't Say This, BUT," comes "veteran comedy team of John Bateman and Matt Steffich" randiest of randy ruminations on "Baby."

Likes in the words of Bateman and Steffich we're invited to "get loose and listen in on the unrehearsed, unbridled and often unfortunate verbal articulations that probably shouldn't be said...."
In part tres of show numero eleven the boys let loose on our darin' Dino beginnin' at 'bout 38:00.  In their own words John and Matt sez, "we destroy a Christmas classic as we expose Dean Martin as the dirty old man he has always been so proud of being."

The guys begin their antics with Steffich tellin' a Dino-tale of how at 3 a.m. on December 25, 1995 (the day of our Dino's departure from our earth) he and his bro and his bro's pallie, who had had a lot of liquid libations tried to find our Dino's telephone number to call him, to no avail.....and then discovered later in the day that our Dino had died.  Matt even tells us that one of 'em z(either his bro or his bro's pallie) loved our Dino so much that they tagged their boypallie Dean!  They follow this with crazy cool commentary on the lush lyrics of "Baby It's Cold Outside"....playin' sorta a play by play of the action..... a bit of the croon followed by their randy reflections.  Likes you gotta listen to this dudes to get the full flavor of their comedic commentary.

We ain't  able to copy the podcast, put likes it you clicks on the tag of this Dino-message and begin at 38 minutes you'll join in on the fun.  We sez our thanks to Mr. John Bateman and Mr. Matt Steffich for their Dino-creativity.  We're hopin' that these guys will find more ops to accent our Dino with their comedic talents.  Dino-always, DMP

Here is Show #11 of I Probably Shouldn’t Say This, But. 
In part three, we destroy a Christmas classic as we expose Dean Martin as the dirty old man he has always been so proud of being.




  1. Haha!! We Dino-holics come in all shapes & sizes! Good stuff, pallie!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes ain't that the absolute and complete Dino-truth...we knews you woulda digs these dudes havin' some fantastic fun with "Baby It's Cold Outside." Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
