Saturday, January 09, 2016

"HERRENZIMMER" - Dean Martin - The One And Only

Hey pallies, let's see dudes, we've had Dino-grams from Serbia, Greece, the Netherlands, and now today Germany....and know we have more international Dino-devotion to fill days and days!  It is simply so so hugely heart warmin' to see devotees of our Dino from many many parts of the world chimin' in with special posts in homage of the 20th anniversary of our Dino's passin' from our presence.

So, likes as we sez, today we stop in Germany where the mag tagged "HERRENZIMMER - with spirit, enjoyment and serenity" have accented our Dino with the very very special Dino-documentary tagged "Dean Martin - The One And Only."  It's over an honor of sights and sounds from the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino.

 Likes we own a copy of this special Dino-resource, and likes as we remember it, the bestest of best parts are the interview segments with our one and only Dino that simply takes one's breath away.
"HERRENZIMMER" proclaims itself "the magazine for more clever existences," and likes certainly our Dino is the most clever person to have ever walked the planet earth and continues to make all our "existences" cooler and cooler!

We find it interestin' that this swingin' German 'net mag has also chosen to highlight one of our main man's main funnies....""You're not drunk, as long as you can still lie on the ground without having to hold on to"....obviously showin' their readership there awesome appreciato for our Dino's superb sense of humor.

We applaud the pallies at "HERRENZIMMER" for accentin' our Dino in this way and we are sure, helpin' many many German folks to a deeper diggin' of our one and only Dino!  To checks this out, per usual, in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-sharin', DMP

 Dean Martin (born June 7, 1917- † 25 December 1995),

"You're not drunk, as long as you can still lie on the ground without having to hold on to."

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