Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Dean Martin was one of the coolest mofos to ever don a tux and drink scotch.

Hey pallies, likes what's happenin' dudes?  Likes have got one on the coolest, hippest, and randiest
beau-ti-ful bits of Dino-devotion ever!  From the new-to-ilovedinomartin fantastic "EGOTASTIC" blog comes the swingin'est of swingin' post "DEAN MARTIN STARS IN "MAD MATT" by Mr. Michael Gracia.  Likes 'pon readin' just the first sentence of Mr. Garcia's swank scribin' we just knew this dude totally totally "gets Martin":  "Dean Martin was one of the coolest mofos to ever don a tux and drink scotch."

Likes we gotta 'fess up that we proudly prides ourselves in bein' what we would call Dino-purists...wantin' our Dino straight up....not much interested in those who try to improve on what we consider the perfectly perfect way that our perfectly perfect  Dino croons a tune, cracks a joke of sez his lines in a scene from a flick.  BUT, today's Dino-gram proves that sometimes, yes sometimes the way that our Dino makes the scene can be enhanced by today's tremendous technology and some cool cool creativity a la Dino!

What our devoted-to-Dino pallie Michael  shares is a youtube vid clip matchin' up the car chase scene from our Dino's first Matt Helm caper, "The Silencers" where Dino and Stella Stevens are in his drink-mobile station wagon goin' south and gettin' pursued  by the Big O baddies with the soundtrack from "Mad Max: Fury Road."  Likes you gotta watch this dudes 'cause it truly is a beau-ti-ful blast of pure pure Dino-fun!  In the words of our new pallie Michael..."Some films could use a little updating. Especially if it involves post-apocalyptic car chases. And booze. Lots of booze."

Likes we sends out our awesome appreciato to Mr. Michael Garcia and all the pallies at "EGOTASTIC" for bringin' this bright bit of Dino-delight to our Dino-attention.  We also sez our thanks to the folks at "Table Tales" who put it up on youtube.   Enjoys our most beloved Dino as "Mad Matt."  To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-delightedly, DMP



Dean Martin was one of the coolest mofos to ever don a tux and drink scotch. He was always my favorite member of the Rat Pack. On top of being a great singer and an excellent drinker, he was also a pretty talented comic actor. In the late 60's he made several spy spoof movies playing a character called Matt Helm. At the beginning of the scene he and the girl he's with are openly drinking while driving. That in and of itself makes this worth watching. But then the subsequent car chase was cut to the soundtrack from Mad Max: Fury Road and it all kind of makes sense.

Some films could use a little updating. Especially if it involves post-apocalyptic car chases. And booze. Lots of booze.


  1. Haha!!Matt Helm on steroids! Loved it!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we knew you woulda digs it and we are diggin' your description! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
