Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Our Dino: "He was the martini-swilling king of the Rat Pack."

Hey pallies, likes on this ninth day of Dino-winter-month likes we couldn't resist sharin' yet one more remarkable ref to the comin' Hologram that will allow Dino-holics to feast on the wonders of our most beloved Dino.  This time 'round we takes all youse Dino-philes to the web presence of  radio station 1059 SUNNY FM in Orlando, FL where scriber Brad Haynes  shares his report tagged "Dean Martin Headed Back To Vegas…In Hologram Form."

Someone taught this dude likes we  how to gets his readers attention right off the get go 'cause we were hooked line and sinker by  Haynes openin' sentence...."He was the martini-swilling king of the Rat Pack."  'Though those in the Dino-know are aware that our main man had a fondness for "just booze"...J&B whiskey, and Ricci Martin has been quoted as sayin' that he never saw his daddy-o with a martini...nonetheless Brad got our immediate attentionado with the Dino-image of our most beloved Dino 'swilling" himself a liquid libation.

That and the cool Dino-pix carefully chosen made this must showin' to all youse Dino-holics...'long with the fact that this post proves that all sorts of media in all parts of the country are especially eager to pass on this delightful Dino-news.   We sez or thoughtful thanks to Mr. Brad Haynes and all the pallies at 1059 SUNNY FM for doin' their part to let folks in their neck of the woods groove on this extemely excitin' news.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.  Dino-reportin', DMP

Dean Martin Headed Back To Vegas…In Hologram Form

December 3, 2015 12:21 PM By Brad Haynes

(Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

He was the martini-swilling king of the Rat Pack. Dean Martin, who enjoyed fame as an actor, singer, variety show host, and Vegas performer, will be heading back to the Vegas strip 20 years after his death in the form of a hologram. The hologram, which is being created by Hologram USA, is set to debut in Vegas in 2016.

According to Vanity Fair, a Dean Martin hologram will appear as part of a full stage show. Hologram USA C.E.O. Alki David said in a statement Wednesday, “A new generation is about to be blown away by the extraordinary presence of Dean Martin,” said David. “He owned Vegas like no other entertainer, and is the definition of elegance and cool. It’s a distinct pleasure to work with Laura Lizer and the estate to ensure we deliver Dean with the utmost authenticity.”

Hologram USA is also said to be in talks with with estates of Whitney Houston, Buddy Holly and Patsy Cline to bring holographic stage shows of those classic performers to life as well.

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