Sunday, December 27, 2015

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "A Winter Romance"

Well we are.
'Nother Dino-Winter Month is windin' down.
What times we had though, huh pals?!
What a special, yet bittersweet, anniversary too.

Man...20 years have flown by.
I remember exactly where I was when I heard the news.
 Dino passed.
Ugh. Felt empty.
Like I just lost a friend I had known all my life, but hadn't seen for a long while.

Oh well. That's how it works, mi amici.
Souls come & go.
Some just leave more of an impression.
I've been PERMANENTLY a good our pal, Dean.
Never to be the same...& never regrettin'.

Dino has helped to mold me into the crazy, silly fella I am. Ha!

That's a GREAT thin', pallies!
Proud to say that Dino inspires me everyday!

Let's move forward... into the new year... with Dean in mind... always proud to be who we are, pals o mine!
 Dino-holics! Haha!!

Today's tune, "A Winter Romance", kinda sums it all up & is a perfecto end to Dino-Winter Month Sunday Serenades 2015.
We ALL have a romance with a way.
He's my pal, my mentor & my inspiration.
That's a kinda romance. Maybe a Bro-mance! Hahaha!!!
Whateva' youse wanna call it...he's my man!

 Let's leave the month & year off knowin' that this comin' year will be even BETTER!

Here's to you, Dean Martin! R.I.P pallie... & Thank you.
See youse in 2016, pals!

I never will forget the station where we met
You dropped your skis, a happy circumstance
No one would have guessed we had started
Started a winter romance
And all the way to Maine, on that enchanted train
The passing scenery didn't get a glance
We held hands completely, light hearted
Off to a winter romance
We danced that night, by candle light
The world was white with snow
The way we felt, we never felt
The snow could melt and go
But though the snow is gone, the romance lingers on
And those who said it didn't stand a chance
Will know when they see us together
That love's not controlled by the weather
And all of our summers, we'll have our winter romance
Though the snow is gone, the romance lingers on
And those who said it didn't stand a chance
Will know when they see us together
That love's not controlled by the weather
And all of our summers, we'll have our winter romance


  1. A wonderful sounding holiday tune from Dean and it seems perfect for the end of the year. It is hard to believe how fast this season has come and almost gone. Thank you Danny G. ringing in every Sunday with a sweet sounding DM song.

    Have a wonderful week.

