Wednesday, December 02, 2015

All I Want Is Dino: Dean Martin Record Albums - $5 (Surprise)

Hey pallies, likes welcomes back to day duo of our Dino-winter season here at ilovedinomartin. Likes vinyl record al-b-ums are all the rage these days pallies, and what Dino-holic youse know wouldn't groove on gettin' some original Dino-vinyl under the tree this Dino-year....'cept of course if you are Miss AOW or some one equally blessed who already owns a ton of 'em and wisely have keep and savored 'em over all these Dino-years!

Likes when we opened our email this very Dino-day, we had a google Dino-'lert in our inbox that took us off to craigslist..Phoenix style where we discovered some pallie who is offerin' a trio of Dino-vinyl at 5 bucks a piece.  A fair price to our way of Dino-thinkin' and the covers alone woulda be worth the price of admission.  This wasn't the Dino-gram that we have prepared to send your Dino-way this day, but we just knows there is a Dino-holic in the Phoenix area who woulda wants to know
'bout this op to grabs some original Dino-croons to lay some happiness on themselves or to gift to 'nother Dino-phile.

And, likes, of course, we are assured that Ebay musta have tons of original Dino-vinyl just waitin' to be snatched up as well, so that woulda be 'nother amazin' source of Dino-giftin' as well.  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-sharin', DMP

Dean Martin Record Albums - $5 (Surprise)

Dean Martin LP record albums for sale. Price is $5.00 each.

1. You Were Made For Love, excellent condition.

2. The Door is Still Open to My Heart, very good condition.

3. I Take a Lot of Pride in What I am, excellent condition.

image 1


  1. I am almost positive that I own every single album released in our Dino's lifetime. These albums are my treasures! I kept all of these vinyls in mint condition, too -- although the album covers have some wear.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, likes perhaps you caught our ref to you and your stupendous step of Dino-vinyls....wouldn't be surrpised to know that you gathered each and every Dino-al-b-um for your cool collection of Dino-tresure! Keeps lovin',keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Hey pallie, likes we thought you did...the first person we always thinks of when it comes to Dino-vinyl is our Miss AOW! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
