Thursday, November 12, 2015

You lift me like Dean Martin does

Dean Martin:

Hey pallies, likes welcome back to day numero duo of potent poetry a la Dino from the pleasin' pen of "Buddy Rogers" (pseudonym) at his blog "Pen Name Buddy Rogers."  If you checked in yesterday here at ilovedinomartin youse will know that our faithful pallie LovesOldThings most recently sent us some patter in a cool comment to heads on over to "Buddy Rogers" pad to checks on the coolest of cool creativity hugely homagin' our Dino in poetic form.

Yesterday's entry featured "Buddy's" scribin' of the Dino-centric poem "The Crooner's  Song" and today we accents what woulda appear to be his first poem dedicated to our most beloved Dino, tagged "You Move Me."  While yesterday's entry was totally Dino-focused, today's cool creative writin' mentions a number of other famous entertainers likes Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn 'mong others.

Today "Buddy" solemnly proclaims that "You lift me like Dean Martin does" and we completely concur that our one and only Dino always always gives pallies welcomed into his world a lovin' lift whenever we hear a Dino-croon, view a moment of Dino-actin', and even when we simply see an incredible illuminatin' image of our main man.

Once 'gain, we speaks special salutin' thoughts of praise to "Buddy Rogers" for usin' his creative writin' talents in the powerful praise of our one and only Dino.  We always always are awed by pallie after pallie usin' there glorious gifts to lovin'ly lift up the name of our Dino.  And, we also thanks our pallie  "LovesOldThings" for most graciously puttin' us on to this this Dino-adulation.  To checks this out in it's original form, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-prose.   Dino-lifted, DMP

You Move Me


  1. Thank you my friend for bringing this wonderful blog post from 'Buddy Rogers' about the one and only DM. It's wonderful as always to read about peoples love of everything Dean from all over the world!

    Thank you for your hard work as always.


  2. Hey pallie, likes any of our small efforts in the cause of Dino are always and only in honor of our most beloved Dino. We are most appreciative of pallies likes youse Scotty-o, who spur us on to even more work for the sake of our King of Cool. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our one and only Dino!
