Monday, November 23, 2015

the almighty, immortal, unforgotten and legendary Mister DEAN MARTIN

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Hey pallies, likes as we once 'gain move into the wonderful week here in the states where we will go over the river and through the woods to grannie's house, it's time at ilovedinomartin to puts our annual accent on "GIVING DINO THANKS."

Likes as all of us Dino-philes begins to reflects 'bout all the remarkable reasons that dudes likes us are so so totally totally thankful for our most beloved Dino, likes we are likes deeply deeply delighted to gets our week of "GIVING DINO THANKS" off to a stunnin' start with some amazin' Dino-devotion from a very youthful  German hipster modster who tags himself "Manslaughter-Andy."

Andy, a teacher at an "academic high school" in Germany teaches "German, Politics, and Economics." From his profile we learns that this edgey educator was into "Metal" and then moved into "Hardcore, Punkrock and Oi! music." And, likes today's Dino-message articulates Andy's absolute adulation of  our Dino!  First shared here four years 'go on November 21, 2011, with a little revision we are totally thrilled to finally bring it back to the light of Dino-day 'cause we know that those Dino-holics who remember it, will 'gain  greatly grooves on the deepness of Andy's devotion to our Dino and there are many in the Dino-fold who haven't have the potent privilege of enjoyin' it before will now have that opportunity.

At his blog "Manslaughter Thug Life," Andy's post, "DEAN MARTIN - "KING OF THE ROAD," is just laddened with so so much delightful Dino-praise! Andy, in his powerful pontification of his devotion to our Dino, sez 'bout our great man..."one of my heroes and my all time faves, the almighty, immortal, unforgotten and legendary Mister DEAN MARTIN, the one and only 'KING OF COOL.'"

Andy continues his devotion to our Dino's singin' sayin'..."Brilliant and out-standing, amazing and great music, I love it!!!" And, Andy energeticly encourages his readers to..."Get what-ever you can get with, by and of DEAN MARTIN, music and movies, to set this straight." Then Andy caps off his Dino-devotion sayin' 'bout our most beloved Dino..."just phenomenal and awesome, a true legend!!!" This, of course is topped off by an stunnin' clip of our Dino's perfect rendition of "King Of The Road."

ilovedinomartin expresses our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato to ""Manslaughter-Andy"
for givin' us such thrillin' thoughts of thanks for our Dino, gettin' our week of Dino-thanks off to a amazin' start. To view Andy's thoughts in it's original source, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-thankfully, DMP

Montag, 14. November 2011


Hey folks! Now something a little bit different is coming up here but one of my heroes and my all time faves, the almighty, immortal, unforgotten and legendary Mister DEAN MARTIN, the one and only "KING OF COOL", will be up next here, singing to us the legendary anthem "KING OF THE ROAD". Brilliant and out-standing, amazing and great music, I love it!!! Swing, Jazz, Soul, Big Band Music, ah, it's just totally great and amazing over the top music that holds so much in store for everyone to discover who just owns the heart, passion, soul, and also the ears to get it all, something different than the usual stuff up here, haha;-), for sure, but as usual it's awesome stuff :-) that you need to have to check out as soon as possible. Get what-ever you can get with, by and of DEAN MARTIN, music and movies, to set this straight. Brilliant!!! Won't say more now, it's late and I'm tired, just enjoy it and if I would be you I would bet that more of DEAN MARTIN will be coming some time in the future up here. It's just phenomenal and awesome, a true legend!!! Enjoy it!!! Cheers!!! ... And then good night!!!



  1. Man o man...Andy is TOTALLY flippin' his Dino-lovin' wig for our bestest pallie! Smart dude. Ha!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, when we were searchin' for classic posts that awesomely accent the many and varied reasons that we have for "Givin' Dino Thanks," I just knew that we need to hear from Andy 'gain this year 'cause we loves how his wondrous words accents the incredible international reach of our most beloved Dino as well as how so many of today's youthful hipster modsters are in the greatest groove of their lives for our main you sez with such veritable verve..."Andy is TOTALLY flippin' his Dino-lovin' wig for our bestest pallie!"

    Also, we want to express our deepest of delight in your pre-thanks Dino-serenade 'cause we know that each and every syllable of your touchin' and tender truthful thoughts on our most beloved Dino come from deep within your Dino-filled-to-the-very brim-heart! Keeps lovin',keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
