Saturday, November 21, 2015

Pastel Dino by McKean

Hey pallies, likes we deeply deeply delights in sharin' more and more Dino-creativity with Dino-holics every Dino-where.  More and more devotees of our Dino are usin' this tremendous talents in huge homage of our most beloved Dino.  Recently we have shared a couple of youtube vids of pallies who have created original songs puttin' the awesome accent on our Dino, but it has been quite a while since we have shared someone who has used their amazin' artistic abilities to create a one-of-a-kind image of our King of Cool.

Likes yesterday while doin' our usual Dino-homework by searchin' the ol' google Dino-blog search, we happened upon a Brit artist tagged McKean at the blog "THE NINE MUSES" who usin' the marvelous medium of  pastels created  the remarkable rendition of our Dino that you will find below.
The finished work is framed nicely and is rather huge in size....37X37....and woulda be the perfect edition for a Dino-phile who boldly wants to display their powerful passion for our Dino in their home pad or perhaps their office.

By doin' a wee bit of searchin' we found out that a Brittish  £ is equal to  1.52 dollars, so if we did our multiplication correctly, the price of this awesome artistic effort is $988.60.  Truly a small price to pay for an original piece of Dino-art.

We salute McKean for chosin' our Dino as the superb subject of this wonderous work of  Dino-artistry!  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.
In Dino-creativity, DMP

Dean Martin

Dean Martin

Artist: McKean
Medium: Pastel
Dimensions: 37x37

RRP: £650


  1. What a wonderful looking original work of art, of the one and only Dean Martin. I am really loving this painting, a wonderful looking find my friend. With the Christmas season soon to be on us who wouldn't want to wake up Christmas morning and find Dino under the ole tree!? Now this is something to think about!

    Have a great up coming holiday week!


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, an original framed piece of Dino-art woulda makes any Dino-addict so so happy to be gifted with! Keeps lovin' and sharin' our most beloved Dino!
