Monday, November 09, 2015

In this clip, Buddy tells Dean about his days in the legitimate theatre.

Al Headshot2
Hey pallies, likes we are always always deeply delighted to be able to return to a blog where Dino-devotion has been shared before, and likes once 'gain our most beloved Dino is bein' lifted up.  Case in point is the comedic  Jewish blog, "Jewish Humor Central" when not so long 'go on July 31 of this very Dino-year we share a post of our Dino sharin' a skit with comedian Jackie Mason that is located  HERE.

Today we return 'gain to this fun fun pad where the Dino-accent is between our main man and the very very funny Buddy Hackett.   Blog Publisher and Blogger-in-Chief,  Mr. Al Kustanowitz shares an engagin' exchange of the humorous kind between our Dino and Hackett that runs the gamut of legitimate theatre and pool halls and certainly will bring one of those big Dino-buddha-grins to all youse Dino-holic faces!

Likes we 'gain thanks Mr. Al Kustanowitz for accentin' our King of Cool in this wacky way and highly hopes that we will see more of our one and only Dino soon 'gain at this fun fun blog.  To checks this out in it's original format, simply, as usual, clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.
Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The Great Jewish Comedians: Buddy Hackett on The Dean Martin Show

Buddy Hackett (1924-2003) was born Leonard Hacker in Brooklyn. His career spanned more than half a century in nightclubs, movies, the stage and television. 

His rubbery face was a familiar one on America's home screens in the 1950's and 1960's when he was a frequent guest on talk shows hosted by Jack Paar and Arthur Godfrey. 

Hackett's irrepressible clowning was so familiar, in fact, that it always seemed to come as a surprise to audiences and critics when he would display solid acting talent in his movie and stage appearances. 

He appeared many times on The Johnny Carson show, and we have shared many video clips of those shows on Jewish Humor Central over the past few years.

He also was a frequent guest on The Dean Martin Show. In this clip, Buddy tells Dean about his days in the legitimate theatre.



  1. Always liked Buddy. Good guy. Very funny & a perfecto match with our pal, Dean.

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, our Dino seems to likes be the "perfecto match" 'specially with any and all comedians that he pattered with! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!


  4. Just an explanation for that last link, I did not write it. Found it along with a mention of Dean Martin in this one.

  5. Hey pallie, likes thanks ever so much LoveOldStuff for both of dem delightful Dino-links. We deeply digs from our Dino artistically used in pallies creative writin'. We are sure these gems will see the light of Dino-day here at ilovedinomartin very very soon...and likes thanks for rememberin' our humble little Dino-blog with your Dino-finds 'cause it is very very likely that we might never have run into 'em ourselves. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
