Tuesday, November 03, 2015

I do not think having to present Dean MARTIN

Hey pallies, likes we can tells youse this pallies....the discovery of ever more internationale devotion to our Dino always always brings the biggest of Dino-buddha-grins to our face.  So know that this very Dino-day our face is sportin' the grooviest of groovy grin as we share some French style devotion from the blog "Musique pour (presque) tour  -   De 1955 à 1975 les vinyles que vous avez vus, entendus, achetés et parfois collectionnés. Dorénavant les monos seront en 192" which translates into English as "Music for (almost) all  -  From 1955 to 1975 vinyls you have seen, heard , and sometimes bought collected . From now on will be 192 monos."

The scriber dude of this blog en francais is Mr. "patsoul" who hails from Nord, France and is in the Busniess Services industry.  In his Dino-entry below "patsoul" accents our most beloved Dino's 1968 al-b-um "Gentle On My Mind."  While this reviewer's words are short in number, one none-the-less can tell that he is a knower and a digger of our main man.

How great to find yet 'nother pallie from yet 'nother part of the Dino-globe sharin' Dino-devotion with their readership.  We sez our thoughtful thanks to Mr. "patsoul" for doin' his part to lift up the name of our Dino to his fellow Frenchians!  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-sharin', DMP

p.s. pallies....Likes the tag "patsoul" seemed familiar to us, so likes we put it into the ol' ilovedinomartin search engine for blog posts, and indeed if you clicks HERE you will find 'nother piece of Dino-devotion by this sold-out-to-Dino dude!

Music for (almost) all

From 1955 to 1975 vinyls you have seen, heard , and sometimes bought collected . From now on will be 192 monos

Saturday, September 26, 2015

DEAN MARTIN - 1968 - Gentle on my mind (US RECOVERY RS - 6330 ) Stereo

I will present two albums followed by two EPs containing the French version of titles contained in the albums.

I do not think having to present Dean MARTIN ; is remembered for his cinematographic services including binomial with Jerry Lewis .

We recall his participation in the " Rat Pack " with his friends Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis JR.

His career crooner , with known longevity, has always worked well and it is not this album will contradict me .

It contains one of his hit " Welcome to my heart" and also beautiful times :
" Honey" Bobby GOLDSBORO
" By the time I get to Phoenix" Jim WEBB
" Gentle on my mind " Glen Campbell


samedi 26 septembre 2015

DEAN MARTIN - 1968 - Gentle on my mind (US-REPRISE RS 6330) stereo
Je vais vous présenter deux albums suivis de deux EPs contenant les version françaises de titres contenus dans les albums.

Je ne pense pas devoir présenter Dean MARTIN; on se souvient de ses prestations cinématographiques notamment en binome avec Jerry LEWIS.

On se rappelle de sa participation au "Rat pack" avec ses compères Frank SINATRA et Sammy DAVIS JR.

Sa carrière de crooner, dont on connaît la longévité, a toujours bien fonctionné et ce n'est pas cet album qui va me démentir.

On y trouve l'un de ses succès "Welcome to my heart" et aussi de belles reprises :
"Honey" de Bobby GOLDSBORO
"By the time I get to Phoenix" de Jim WEBB
"Gentle on my mind" de Glen CAMPBELL



  1. I have this album too. Bought it in Ireland of all places. Purchased in 1975. My Mom and I went for 3 weeks and I had managed to save some of my allowance. I bought 2 things with my own money. A shillaly and this album. Still have both purchases. Record was printed and made by Garrod & Lofthouse Ltd. and Distributed by KINNEY RECORD GROUP LTD. according to the back cover. The album itself is in a paper sleeve that says made in England. The album itself is the standard Reprise Records gold label. But again it says Made In UK.

    P.S. On a side note the arranger and conductor of most of Dean's music from Reprise was Ernie Freeman. Some may not know his name but you certainly know his music. He played the flute on the song "Rockin' Robin. And was part of the Wrecking Crew. A group of studio musicians who worked for every major act in the recording studio during the 60's and up to the mid 70's. There is a documentary on the Wrecking Crew that I highly recommend everyone watch. You won't believe how many recordings that we all know these folks played on. Beach Boys, The Association, Sonny & Cher, Herb Alpert, Mamas & Pappas, Frank Sinatra, and of course our Dino. The have a segment on Ernie. He does not specifically mention Dean but it is interesting to see this man's work.

  2. Woops forgot one thing about this album in my last post. The picture of Dean on the front of the album was most likely taken on the set of the Matt Helm movie The Wrecking Crew.(weird considering my little side note on the previous post). He wares the outfit to go see Tina Louise's character just before she goes boom.

  3. Hey pallie, likes DeansPalley how cool of youse to share all this patter 'bout this awesome al-b-um of our most beloved Dino. Altogether astute of you pallie to have figured out where the Dino-pose probably came from! Thanks ever so much for takin' the time to continue to share your absolute adulation of our one and only Dino! Keeps lovin' our most most beloved Dino!

  4. Thanks DeansPalley! Great info!
