Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Ed's Epistle: "Remembering A Man and His Son"

Hey pallies, likes no one comes close to our deeply deeply Dino-devoted superb scribin' pallie Ed, the bestest of best ever creative writer of Dino-prose.  As we continue our special salute on this 64th anniversary of  the birth of our most beloved Dino's most beloved boypallie namesake, Dino Jr., we turn to to some most wonderfully wise words put to paper by our great great pallie  back on November 17, 2010.  It's startin' to become an ilovedinomartin tradition to yearly share  Ed's reflections with youse  'cause they are the purest of purely powerful poetry in honor of our Dino and his namesake boypallie.

Thanks Ed for your heartfelt homage of Dino and Dino Jr., givin' both our Dino and Dino Jr. their rightful due.  In deepest of deep Dino-gratitude, DMP

Ed's Epistle......Ramblin's and Ruminations of a Disciple of Dino

"Remembering A Man and His Son"

”For rarely are sons similar to their fathers: most are worse, and a few are better than their fathers.” Homer

In the animal kingdom, the offspring of an eagle, is an eagle. In the entertainment kingdom, offspring of star is often a victim of circumstance. Rarely do the sons and daughters live up to the lofty accomplishments of their famous parents. Unfair and unsolicited comparisons is the nature of the inherited business.

Dean Paul Martin Jr., born November 17th 1951 to Dean and Jeanne Martin. The proudest family jewel in Dean Martin’s “King of Cool” crown. Common Hollywood bloodlines, unlike Royal Bloodlines, typically bestow nothing more than a surname. Or, in the case of Dino Martin Jr., a cognomen, a surname, and a suffix. Rare is the child who can take the burden of his father’s name, his famous father’s name, and further enrich it.

“When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry.” Proverb

Dino Jr., accomplished tennis player, Golden Globe nominated actor, singer, and military pilot. Handsome man once married to actress Olivia Hussey, and later to Olympic Gold Medalist Dorothy Hamill. To suggest Dino Jr. failed to enrich his bloodline would be an offense. Dino Jr. seized the spirit of Dean, added some drums, took to athletic competition, jumped on a motorcycle, and boarded a jet fighter! Dino Jr. wasn’t one to sit idle at the feet of his father, The Idol.

Dean Paul Martin Jr. accomplished what few celebrity children could. Almost in a rebellious fashion, Dino Jr. thrust upon the scene his own man. Outside of his first stint at singing and playing guitar in the teen group Dino, Desi, & Billy, Dino Jr. pretty much shied away from the music scene. Tennis was his new challenge. Motorcycles were his hobby.

When daddy-o Dino sauntered, Dino Jr. sprinted. When daddy-o Dino crooned, Dino Jr. careened. Whether the Dino gene drove him to be his own man, or follow in his father’s famous footsteps, we’ll never know.

“To a father, when a child dies, the future dies; to a child when a parent dies, the past dies.” Red Auerbach

San Gorgonio Mountain, aka Old Greyback. At 11,503 ft. it’s the highest point in Southern California. Old Greyback, hiding like a coward in a snowstorm, took the soul of Dino Jr. when his National Guard F-4 Phantom fighter jet plunged mountainside.

In celebration of the pride and joy of a great man.


  1. Powerful prosin' by our pallie Ed!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o.....we woulda goes so far as to say PERFECT POWERFUL PROSIN'. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Just as Danny G. put it this was a very powerful and heartfelt tribute to DM Jr.. A big thanks to Ed and of course DMP for bringing this gem our way!


  4. Hey pallie, likes Scotty, indeed we are much much indebted to our greatest of great pallie for his swank scribin' of this tender time in the Dino-story. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
