Sunday, November 01, 2015

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Only Forever"

Welcome back, mi amici!
Happy November!
Man o man...the months are flyin'!
Mama mia, where's the time go?!

 So does everyone have a candy hang-over or what? Did all my pals gets their fill of tricks & treats?

 Now for me...the advantages of bein' a daddy-o to my wee ones, Stella & Nick, is I gets to weed out ALL my FAVE treats! Haha!!
What a whirlwind of a night, though!
Thinks we all could use a nice...relaxin' Dino-jam to help us recharge.
Well pallies...just so happens...I dug up a REAL cool cool & chillin' type Dino-ditty for this week's Serenade.
"Only Forever" hails from Dean's 1957 vinyl masterpiece, "Pretty Baby". REAL smooth...REAL laid back...REAL Dino.
 Seems to be THE PER FEC TO tune to catch our breath... before we jump into the holidays!
 We better soak in these peaceful moments, pallies!

 The hectic time is approachin'! Hahaha!!!
It's fun though, pals.
Just gots to take it with a happy heart & PLENTY of Dino-jams at hand!
 Maybe a little vino too! Ha!
 OK pallies...let's get to the swoonin' & croonin'!
 Take a few deep breaths...take Dean's hand...& let ALL your stress drift away.

Do I want to be with you as the years come and go?
Only forever if you care to know
Would I grant all your wishes and be proud of the task?
Only forever if someone should ask
How long would it take me to be near if you beckoned?
Off hand I would figure, less than a second
Do you think, I'll remember how you look when you smile?
Only forever and that's putting it mild
How long would it take me to be near if you beckoned?
Off hand I would figure, less than a second
Do you think, I'll remember how you look when you smile?
Only forever, only forever, only forever, that's putting it mild


  1. Can you believe that it is now November already!? At least we have a great sounding Dino tune to comfort us on this post Halloween day. Thank you my friend once again for a wonderful sounding tune! Hopefully you made out with some tasty candy from the Halloween haul of your children and your foot is feeling better this week. Thank you for finding the time for all that you do!

    Have a great week.


  2. Thanks pallie! Yes...I did very well with my share of the treats! Also, my foot is healin' very quickly & I am walkin' 'round CAST FREE!!! Hahaha!!! Thanks again!
