Saturday, October 10, 2015

Rare Original Photo: Dean Martin "Dino" to Eddie Albert

Hey pallies, likes we are goin' to add a little bonus Dino-post this day 'cause when we opened our email this morn, one of the google Dino-'lerts took us to the Dallas version of craigslist when a lady is offerin' "Rare Original Photo: Dean Martin "Dino" to Eddie Albert ."   It's a different sort of Dino-treasure then anythin' we have ever seen before.

The lady who owns this  swank screen shot gives all the details of when and where the pose was most likely shot.  It's a shame that this unique Dino-offerin' is not in mint condition, but likes if it were, it woulda be bein' sold for a ton more bread.  Likes we didn't wanna waits to get this up here at ilovedinomartin 'cause it will probably be snapped up quickly...'specially by some Dino-holic in the great state of Texas.

We are really bein' superbly surprised by the number of great Dino-finds bein' offered on craigslist and we thanks our pallies at google Dino-'lerts for puttin' us on to 'em  To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.  Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP

Rare Original Photo: Dean Martin "Dino" to Eddie Albert - $55 (commerce)

image 1

Photo has a heavy cardstock matting & back that are adhered together. The matting has staining & a few superficial tears, however, there is nothing that interferes with the handwritten note from 'Dino' 'To Eddie', 'Of course one of yours is missing, mine. _____ - ' 
The photo itself, has lost some of its original luster. A professional cleaning, should return it to excellent condition.

I believe it was taken on the set of 'The Dean Martin Show' during Season 1.22 February 17, 1966. 
This photograph indeed was owned by Eddie Albert. When Mr. Albert passed away, his son Eddie Albert jr., acquired his father's belongings. Sadly, the following year, he too, passed on.
My late husband & I purchased this photo at the highly respected auction house, California Auctioneers, in Casitas Springs, CA. That particular auction featured hundreds of items which came from the estate of Eddie Albert jr. 


  1. What an amazing looking piece of Dino history found. One never knows what is hidden away in the basement or attic. I am sure there are many more pieces of treasure just waiting to be discovered and brought fourth to the world. Thank you my friend for bringing this wonderful story our way!

    Have a great week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, we're with you all the way dude....more glorious mementos of our most beloved Dino are just waitin' to be mined....more precious then gold! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our main man!
