Thursday, October 22, 2015

Dean Martin's "Ain't that a Kick in the Head" was one of her favorite songs, back in the day....

Donna Vickroy
Hey pallies, likes today we are deeply delighted to share 'nother touchin' 'n tender tale of transformation, of the purely potent power of our most beloved Dino.  From the annals of the October 21 edition of none other then the Chicago Tribute we share with you how our Dino's coolest of cool croons is givin' the purest of pure pleasure to elderly folks who are sufferin' from the depths of dementia.

Scribed by Miss Donna Vickroy, a Contact Reporter for the Trib, her prose tagged "Music gift gives dementia patients trip down memory lane" accents 101 year old Miss Margaret Lavery, and the incredibly immense pleasure that she recently received while listenin to the strains of our Dino's "Ain't that a Kick in the Head."  "one of her favorite songs, back in the day, back before dementia began a slow assault on her memory."

We share with youse the briefest of brief excerpt from this articulate article of  the continuin' transformational power of our Dino in hopes that you will simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram and read the report in total to learn more 'bout how music has a spectacularly soothin' effect on folks dealin' with dementia.

We continue to stand ever more in amazin' awe of  our one and only Dino to continue to meet the needs of his devotees time after matter what their age or stage of life is.  We salutes the folks at the Chicago Tribute, and in particular reporter Miss Donna Vickory  for bringin' this stunnin' story front and center helpin' even more pallies to stand in awe of our one and only Dino.   Devotedly in Dino, DMP

Music gift gives dementia patients trip down memory lane

Music gift gives dementia patients trip down memory lane

Donna Vickroy  Contact Reporter

When they placed the headphones on Margaret Lavery's ears and turned up the volume, the 101-year-old resident of Smith Crossing in Orland Park immediately began to dance in her wheelchair.

Dean Martin's "Ain't that a Kick in the Head" was one of her favorite songs, back in the day, back before dementia began a slow assault on her memory.

"Eeeeeeeee," she squealed. "Ooooh, I like. This is fun. You know how to take a girl's breath away."


  1. Haha!! Love this! SO SO great the power Dean has above ANY medicine!

  2. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we knows that you can gives first hand Dino-testimonial to this amazin' Dino-fact! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
