Monday, October 19, 2015

Dean Martin plays the romantic tender

Hey pallies, likes today we gets more powerful proof that people from all over the known world keeps diggin' our most beloved Dino.  Some of our latest google Dino-blog searchin' has sent us way of the Romanian blog "un Radio Clasic in culori" which translates to "A Classic Radio Color."  And, likes the "color" that is bein' accented is our one and only Dino.  Likes the patter below is promotin' a
Friday, September 18, 2015 live Dino-broadcast  from the Romanian Radio Classic station.

We could not locate a link to see if the programme was recorded for playback, and even if we found it, we unfortunately don't understand the language.  We're guessin' that the programme featured many of our Dino's classic croons, but the promo mentions "cinema," so we are wonderin' if somehow the pallies at classic radio weaved somethin' from of our Dino's classic flicks into the mix.

The patter below puts an awesome accent on our Dino's big screen efforts, 'long with thoughts on some of his musical musin's, and with requisite remarks 'bout his life and times.  Probably nothin' new to Dino-holics likes us dudes, but it is always always so hugely hugely heart-warmin' to see pallies from 'round the globe liftin' up the glorious name of our Dino and spreadin' the Dino-message helpin' even more pallies to gather 'round our Dino.

We thanks all the pallies at this classic radio station in Romania spreadin' mucho Dino-affection.  Likes to checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.
Spreadin' the Dino-word, DMP

Dean Martin

Who? Cinema!

Friday, September 18, 2015, live from Radio Classic

Baby Dino Paul Crocetti, who would become over the years, actor and singer Dean Martin, not too loved school ... she left her soon to make trades as the bootblack or salesman, for example ... started playing 17 years, under the pseudonym Dean Martin, alias I will always keep. Its qualities of "showman" and good animator, liked by the audience, made Dean Martin to get fast success with songs like "That's Amore," "Volare" "In Naples", "Mambo Italiano" or "Return to Me ". The singer has never ceased to sing in Italian and was born in America although (1917), later to learn English. During a gale, he met Jerry Lewis, at that time a young comic rookie.It proposes doing movies! Make together a dozen films, the first of which is "My Friend Irma" by George Marshall. What is the success of the two? The fact that they are completed: Dean Martin plays the romantic tender, while that of Jerry Lewis perfect asshole! Their successes, all comedies were called "Road to Bali" "The Stooge", "Living It Up" ... But after a while, feeling that his partner win an upward toward him, Dean Martin, leaves Adventure in two screens and decide to develop their own career forward! After a series of movie successes, including "Some Came Running", directed by Vincente Minnelli and "The Young Lions" by Edward Dmytryk, he plays alongside John Wayne, in western Rio Bravo, in which his portrayal of a drunken sheriff's deputy is praised by everyone. This film signed by Howard Hawks actually marks the beginning of serious film career of actor singer Dean Martin! In the late 50's, Dean Martin forms, along with his friends, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. group "Rat Pack". For three achieves big screen movies like "Ocean 11" (after which the film was made in 2001 eponymous remake with George Clooney) "4 for Texas" and "Sergeants 3". During this time his production house founded Meadway Claude Productions Company. Although after a few years, the group disbanded, Dean Martin continues to appear on the big screen: "Kiss Me Stupid" by Billy Wilder and "The Sons of Katie Elder" by Henry Hathaway are two of productions in this period. In this last mentioned film, Dean Martin playing again with John Wayne and awarded the Bronze Wrangler at the Western Heritage Awards. In the decade of the 65-75, Dean Martin appears less frequently in film, but music and devote themselves especially small screen. His show "The Dean Martin Show" enjoys a large audience, and the discs "Everybody Loves Somebody" and "Gentle on My Mind" is selling like hotcakes. Play though sporadically on the big screen in a series of films, parodies by James Bond (the "Murderer's Row", "The Wrecking Crew", "The Ambushers" "The silencers") or in the dramatic film like "Airport "George Seaton. His latest film, "The Cannonball Run II" appears on the screen in 1984. Until his disappearance, Dean Martin is dedicated to music and television (where performed "Dean Martin Celebrity Roast", which does not enjoy the same success as his first show ). Songs like "Everybody Loves Somebody" "Buona sera" "Someone Like You" I'm in love with you "," Ridin`into Night "," Hangin`around with you "," There is my Lover "Non Dimenticar "" Luna Mezzo Mare, "" Arrivederci Roma "," Sawy "or" I Love The Way You Say Goodnight "are just a few of the songs that the artist interpreted them like no other!His songs are found on the soundtrack to more than 220 films and serials, including the song "Money A Hole In My Pocket Burns", which we hear on the soundtrack of the series "Mad Men". He is one of the few artists who has three stars on the famous boulevard Hollywood Walk of Fame

Cine? Cinema!

Vineri, 18 septembrie 2015, în direct la Radio Clasic

Copilul Dino Paul Crocetti, cel care avea sa devina peste ani, actorul si cantaretul Dean Martin, nu prea iubea scoala…A parasit-o repede, pentru a face diverse meserii ca cea de lustragiu sau comis voiajor, de exemplu…Incepe sa cante la 17 ani, sub pseudonimul Dean Martin, pseudonim pe care il va pastra mereu. Calitatile sale de “showman” si de bun animator,  placut  de public, au facut ca Dean Martin sa obtina repede succesul, cu melodii ca  « That’s amore », « Volare » “In Napoli”, “Mambo Italiano” sau “Return to me”. Cantaretul nu a incetat sa cante in limba italiana si desi s-a nascut in America (1917), a invata tarziu limba engleza. In timpul unei gale, il intalneste pe Jerry Lewis, la acea data un tanar comic debutant. Acesta ii propune sa joace in filme! Realizeaza impreuna o duzina de filme, dintre care primul este  “My Friend Irma”, de George Marshall. In ce consta succesul celor doi? Faptul ca ei se completeaza: Dean Martin joaca rolul romanticului tandru, in timp ce Jerry Lewis pe cel al imbecilului perfect! Succesele lor, toate filme de comedie, s-au numit:” Road to Bali” “The Stooge”, “Living  It Up”…Dar, dupa o vreme, simtind ca partenerul sau castiga un  ascendant fata de el, Dean Martin, paraseste aventura in doi pe ecrane si decide sa-si dezvolte singur mai departe cariera! Dupa o serie de filme reusite, printre care “Some Came Running”,  in regia lui Vincente Minnelli sau “The Young Lions”, de Edward Dmytryk, el joaca, alaturi de John Wayne, in westernul Rio Bravo, in care, interpretarea rolului unui ajutor de serif betiv este laudata de toata lumea.  Acest film semnat de  Howard Hawks marcheaza de fapt inceputul carierei cinematografice serioase a cantaretului actor Dean Martin!  La sfarsitul anilor `50, Dean Martin formeaza, impreuna cu prietenii sai, Frank Sinatra si Sammy Davis Jr. grupul « Rat Pack ». Pentru marele ecran cei trei realizeaza filme ca “Ocean 11” (film dupa care s-a realizat in 2001 remake-ul omonim cu George Clooney), “4 for Texas” sau “ Sergeants 3”. Tot in aceasta perioada infiinteaza casa sa de productie Meadway Claude Productions Company. Desi dupa cativa ani, grupul se destrama, Dean Martin continua sa apara pe marele ecran: “Kiss Me Stupid” de Billy Wilder sau “The Sons of Katie Elder” de Henry Hathaway sunt doua dintre productiile din aceasta perioada. In acest ultim film amintit, Dean Martin joaca din nou cu John Wayne si primeste premiul  Wrangler de bronz, la  Western Heritage Awards. In deceniul `65-75, Dean Martin apare tot mai rar in film, dar se consacra cu precadere muzicii si micului ecran. Emisiunea sa “The Dean Martin show” se bucura de o larga audienta,  iar discurile  „Everybody loves somebody” si „Gentle on my mind” se vand ca painea calda. Mai joaca totusi sporadic pe marile ecrane, intr-o serie de  filme, parodii dupa James Bond ( ca “Murderer’s Row”, “The Wrecking Crew”, “The Ambushers”,” The Silencers” ) sau in filme dramatice, ca “Airport”, de George Seaton. Ultimul sau film, “The Cannonball Run II”, apare pe ecrane in 1984. Pana la disparitia sa, Dean Martin se dedica muzicii si  televiziunii (unde realizeaza “Dean Martin Celebrity Roast”, care nu se bucura de acelasi success ca primul sau show). Melodii ca “Everybody Loves Somebody” “ Buona sera” “Someone like you”, I’m in love with you”, “Ridin`into Night”,”Hangin`around with you”,”There is my Lover”, Non Dimenticar“, “Luna Mezzo Mare”, “Arrivederci Roma”, “Sawy” sau “I Love the way you Say Goodnight” sunt doar cateva dintre piesele muzicale pe care artistul le-a interpretat ca nimeni altul! Melodiile sale se regasesc pe coloana sonora a peste 220 de filme si seriale, inclusiv melodia  „Money Burns A Hole In My Pocket”, pe care o putem auzi si pe coloana sonora a serialului “Mad Men”. El este unul dintre putinii artisti care are trei stele pe celebrul boulevard Hollywood Walk of Fame


  1. What a wonderful find my friend, it looks like the part of Dean lives on all over the world. It really is amazing!

    Have a great week.


  2. Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o, thanks for checkin' in 'gain this very Dino-day! Indeed, devotion to our Dino is becomin' ultra ubber universal in Dino-nature! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!

  3. Saw this and thought you folks should have a look see.

  4. Hey pallie, likes DeansPalley, what a fantastic find, likes don't know how long it woulda taken us to uncover this Dino-gold...if ever, so we are most grateful for puttin' us on to this. This will soon be featured here at ilovedinomartin. Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
