Sunday, October 04, 2015

Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "It's A Good Day"

Wow! What a mood I'm in today, pals!
Youse ever feel like youse can take on the world?!

Well...that's how I'm feelin' today, mi amici!
Crazy what a difference a day makes...well...& a bunch of Dino too! Haha!!
A week ago I'd probably be moanin' & groanin' & playin' the blues for our Serenade.
Lets me explain.
On Monday, I decided to get a jump on Fall clean-up & start packin' away the patio stuff I won't be usin' 'til Spring.
 So, long story short...I zigged when I shoulda zagged...didn't watch where I was walkin'...fell off my little patio wall...& BAM! was not so good.

Now...24 wee inches may not be very high off the ground, but...landin' the wrong way... can be DE TRI MEN TAL to your day!
Or the next two I found out.
Yup...foot in a cast with some shattered bones. Ugh.

Couldn't walk. Couldn't drive. Couldn't sleep. I basically had to sit in a chair... with my leg up...for what seemed like the rest of eternity!
Well, pallies...NO WAY I was doin' this for long!
 Needed some motivation!
Some inner strength!
Someone to slap some life back into me!
Bet youse can guess who that someone was.
 I hopped...& crawled...up to my room.
Threw the Dino-jams on.
Somehow got dressed.
& out the door!
Wasn't easy, pals.
 Gotta takes it slow for a while....but....I'm BACK!
Thanks to our Numero Uno Paisano...& ESPECIALLY one certain tune...I'm back!

 Couldn't wait to share this GREAT GREAT Dino-jam with all youse GREAT GREAT Dino-holics, today!
Maybe this tune will be your ROCK someday when youse is hurtin' too, pallies! Someday when youse need a little extra push!
The power of Dean NEVER ceases to amaze me, my friends.
Check it out & remember...with Dino..."It's A Good Day"!

Yeah it's a good day for singin' a song
And it's a good good day for movin' along
Yeah it's a good day how could anything go wrong
A good day from morning till night

Yes it's a good day for shinin' your shoes
And it's a good good day for losin' the blues
Everything to gain and nothing to lose
Cause it's a good day from morning till night

I said to the sun good morning sun rise and shine today
You know you've got to get goin' if you're gonna make a showin'
And you know you've got to get the right of way

Cause it's a good day for payin' your bills
And it's a fine fine day for curin' your ills
So take a deep breath and throw away your pills
Cause it's a good day from morning till night

(I said to the sun good morning sun rise and shine today
You know you've got to get goin' if you're gonna make a showin'
And you know you've got the right of way)

Cause it's a good day for payin' your bills...
Good day from morning till night yeah
(Good good day from morning till night)


  1. It is is a good day here! No hurricane!

    Love this Dino tune for happy times.

  2. Danny G,
    Gad! Broken bones in the foot! Terrible pain.

  3. Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, so so sorry to hear 'bout your accident and hopes youse will heal likes real quick. Great choice of Dino-croon....likes we digs it so very very Dino-much! Be sure to take in massive massive quanities of our Dino to comfort and sooth you in your time of need! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most most beloved Dino!

  4. What an upbeat and wonderful sounding song you picked Danny G., and i think you need it this week. I'm sorry to hear about your accident and broken foot. I broke mine before so i know i can put a damper on things. I am glad though you have not let it get you down! I guess you won't be dancing very much for the next couple of months though. With your positive attitude i know you won't be down for long.

    Have a great week my friend.


  5. I thanks youse O SO MUCH, o pals o mine! I'm on the Dino-mend!
